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О warpig

  • День рождения 09/30/1980

warpig's Achievements

  1. warpig

    SOD , seriously ? why ?

    You did not change the SOD system (10 tiats in 1 week) when the server had 2k population, even when people were asking for it, for extra endgame/fun. You did not change it before server actually starts dying. And you will change it now,make it event,and with so fast message in so little time? Have you even any idea about what is happening on the server ,(from the clans + TIATs perspective)? The server for 1.5 month now is totally 1 sided having everything for free. And now you give them also free event SOD ? for what ? You were not opening it normally when all these clans were here and could have pvp for crystals. and you decide to open it now ?not even after just 10 TIATS? I m not crying for the crystals , i am a solo player that could not do much alone in a SOD anyway it was opened. But earlier on , i had an clan and ally , i was making TIATS, why not to have a normal chance back then with simple 10tiat/sod ? why now , give me 1 reason. Also another question , when the server will merge , will you update the chronicle , or not ? Because many people just stay here, vegetating just for a merge/update Sorry for the tone of my voice but my patience was starting reach 0 , and this thing with SOD seems unreasonable and unfair.
  2. warpig

    Serious Bug

    When this was occuring i think also the was a serious XP bug ( 85 and 3% - > 85 and 100% on 20 minutes xp). I saw several people also hitting 85 on the ratings. I strongly recommend server rollback to the state it was 4 hours ago before the server restart. The bug started occuring right after the server restart. Thnx for fast replies . gl on your maintenance
  3. warpig

    Serious Bug

    This bug occured after the server update 2 hours ago. 1st problem: i made 1 hit to a box char of mine with C grade weapon. I see chat log "hit for 35 dmg" , but i actually PKed my box char (that was full hp/cp/mp). After i rez him he had 0 mana.. 2nd problem: i xp in a spot for a while , and i need 5-6 critical hits to kill a mob there. i actually 1 shoted 1 mob there 1 time. (i checked logs for dmg , it was the casual dmg i usually do , nothing changed) 3rd problem: i xp with training some mobs in a corner + pole . i corner them , hit them , and after i pick up the drops. i saw more than 3-4 times adena + drops on the floor on the route i do while i gather the mobs. (not in the corner i kill them). in the begging i thought i killed a mob and i didnt remember , so i picked up those drops , but as i said it happened 3-4 times while i was checking it. (i have frintezza necklace on me that has reflect dmg on hits. while i removed frintezza , this thing stopped , but i am not 100% sure on this yet). The conclusion i made is that after the update that was made today , on some random timings u can 1hit K.O both players + mobs. It seems like a serious bug that i cant understand how exacly it is reproduced , but plz check it.....
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