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О nivar

  • День рождения 03/15/1984


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  1. nivar

    Scamed by Krafter

    We are talking about scamm in game not about sharing accounts etc. so what you wrote is not accurate to this situation. Recently for example one player was selling some staff which looks like SOP and had in title SOP - I'm talking about such situations - in which imho server gm should react - ban this person for 3 days or something like this - next time perma ban.
  2. nivar

    Scamed by Krafter

    it's a pity that GM's are not banning for scamming. I am playing Lineage 2 since 12 years and most of the servers which I've played banned for proofed scam's. More over there are one crafter which constantly scam and there is no punishment for such thing - which is bad in my opinion. I can say that unfortunately due hurry crafting i came across the same problem as you, and got scammed for some adena, so you are not alone.
  3. nivar

    Dance / Song time?

    Hi all, Would you mind to tell me what is the dance / song buff time here on x7 Interlude (standard 2min ? / more / less ). I was not able to search this in the forum. Cheers nIV
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