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О MrLugge

  • День рождения 10/03/1990


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MrLugge's Achievements

  1. MrLugge

    Retail-like? Java?

    Please make it 1x quest drop and this server will live way longer, and also 1x spoil quantity The server Will be awesome!
  2. MrLugge

    Retail-like? Java?

    Ah ok thanks Sounds great!
  3. MrLugge

    Retail-like? Java?

    Hi, Im new to your servers so have no experience what your servers usually looks like. I couldnt find much info about the server, what it will look like. I'd love to see a 5-10xp gracia final, retail-like with 1x questdrops. What files are you running? Been on way too many bad file servers lately.. No java shit I hope :)
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