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    Najt изменил репутацию kapi в Data Base (shift key)   
    Hi, i would like to talk about the ingame Data Base. First of all, awesome job on the feature!

    ... BUT ... who the hell thought it would be a good idea to trigger it by pressing SHIFT key? Holy crap is that annoying or what? You want to link an item in the chat? Boom. Database opens. You want to shift+2 to write "@" so you can write in the clan chat? Boom. Database opens. You want to shift+" to write PM? Boom. Database opens. You randomly push shift? Boom. Database opens. HOLY CRAP.
    Please, please put it on some other rarely used key or better yet, combination of keys like shift+* or alt+* or something. There might be an argument that it would be "too hard" for players to access it, i dont think anyone will care about that in exchange for getting rid of it from the SHIFT key. Thanks!
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    Najt изменил репутацию Apache Ant в KE drop/ Cake prices [Waiting for answer]   
    1. It's not time yet, will be done till 10th of September (the decision).
    2. We make prices cheaper than RPG did it on last 2 servers, however i agree that price are high, but on the other hand it give you +300% and could be taken by all group.
    What the price will be appropriate for you, tell us your opinion, and reason, why you think so?
  3. Like
    Najt изменил репутацию FrankieKingDeckard в Grand Opening - September 10! - Prepare for Battle!   
    untill server open,you guys will ask to remove anything from the donation shop,and then you will want a long run server,without donations.
    there is no reason putting vitamines pet's later like weeks later or so.its literly pointless people will only farm weeks later and not exp.
    they are good only for exp boost.
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    Najt изменил репутацию Thrawn в Grand Opening - September 10! - Prepare for Battle!   
    You always cry about any possible shit.
    There is only 1 difference between C/B in E shop and C/B in towns. It's top B sets (BW and Doom).
    This sets are not imbalance at all. Doom will make destro game play easier from the start of the server, BW - only light for slb. Not terrible at all too.
    So, pls, clam down and prepare to cry about bots, being botter too :D
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    Najt получил репутацию от NoDamageFun в Fariy Princess   
    Fairy Princess = p2w serwer
  6. Like
    Najt получил репутацию от kwolf в Fariy Princess   
    Fairy Princess = p2w serwer
  7. Like
    Najt получил репутацию от Smyku в Fariy Princess   
    Fairy Princess = p2w serwer
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