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О BrownSugar

  • День рождения 12/29/1983


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  1. BrownSugar

    x25 Patch 404 Not Found

    it works again. Thank you roger for your upload but i'll download it with the safe way. peace!
  2. how can we download this thing? it shows errors http://download.l2e-global.com/global_x25_OBT_patch.zip
  3. BrownSugar

    Cannot Login

    Hello and tahnk you for that quick help. The problem is that i cant BIND two of my accounts on it. i already bind some of them but two. I really need help in this part coz i never bind them on my email,before the login system changes. but im sure that i ve use one of my three own emails on 'em. so,maybe a missclick happened or something else. What can i do in this situation? i really need one of Mods able for communication. Thank you very much.
  4. BrownSugar

    Cannot Login

    to be honest i just logged my acc from another computer and i can use it. but now i just cannot log in by forum. if can i have some informations to how the new login page works please post me. thank you
  5. BrownSugar

    Cannot Login

    Hello,today i tried to log one of my accounts in eglobal site to get it "to the nearest village" coz of a crash in black screen. And then i saw a new window that it never login me in any of my accounts. it says that i used wrong password(weird) and asking for e-mail. when i wrote my e-mail,it says that it isnt singed. so,what can i do to play today my crashed accounts? ...
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