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О Homie1

  • День рождения 08/01/1990


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Homie1's Achievements

  1. Homie1

    lvl 83 skillz and Olympiad Cycle

    Mages will vote against 83 skills and dd's for. Whoever wins the vote - wins the game. End of story kids
  2. Ladies and gentleman, I'm gladly presenting you Lineage 2 Slavery 2016
  3. Id suggest replacing current vitality items with the birthday cakes, this will make it more balanced and will add great fights for it.
  4. Homie1

    Constant party looking for active 8h+ play time players

    tz aka aq farmers r going to face cossacks aka aq farmers. dayum this season is goin to be hot
  5. Homie1

    Epidemic back on September.

    R this fools still payin excuseme to play with em?
  6. What is this piece of crap? U've bought 0,1 ounces of dope for 13 fools and u r dancing about that? Lmao
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