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    Lagu изменил репутацию SandyStorm в Premium shop E-Store Gracia x7 [Цикл: "Маняграция"]   
    Nice, its basicly: "Crafters go fuck yourselves!" Everyone will buy them and sell, easy money.
    I don't care about shots in "donation" shop, if they are no tradeable. But this way... ruins many dwarfs.
  2. Like
    Lagu изменил репутацию Thomiik в Autoloot - To be or not to be.   
    I am totally against autoloot, it must be turned OFF. I am playing L2 from year 2005, more or less from Chronicle I, and I am playing for MAGE, but however, I do not need it. There is no need to hurry, WHY? If you want to hurry, you can go to play on some x5000 High rate, there you will have autoloot, and everyone can hurry to have the best. But the game is not about hurry and speed, think about that!
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    Lagu изменил репутацию Geldor в Autoloot - To be or not to be.   
    Vote: NO, NO, again and again! coz Autoloot == fail for this server, I think.
    At least there is 1 reason, one word: IoP.
    autoloot -> full domination and GREAT advantage for range class. It's so easy to kill mobs with a radius over 900+ range and go next. As for Hellbound... Hm, It looks a bit like IoP.(an advantage for ranged parties).
    Please make the server really true/fair "Off-like"!
  4. Like
    Lagu изменил репутацию Yattaman в PurpleHandGang Clan   
    Witam Serdecznie :-)
    Z uwagi na fakt ,iż ostatnimi czasy server Global - na kronice Gracii Final ma dosyć
    duże zainteresowanie - zwróciło to moją uwagę.
    Klan PurpleHandGang z pewnością zagości na dłużej . Mamy zgraną paczkę graczy , głównie
    osoby powyżej 25 lat . W Klanie z założenia nie będzie systemu CP .
    Wymagany Team Speak 3 . Stawiamy na Atmosferę w klanie a nie na lvle.
    Forum klanowe : http://www.purplehandgang.pun.pl
    P.S. Odwołuję do Regulaminu klanu ; pełna akceptacja trzech punktów oraz Kodeksu Wojownika
    daje przepustke do dołączenia do Gildii
    We are couple of polish players would like to play in this server - L2 Global
    I Recruit only polish people to PurpleHandGang Clan
    GL , cya in Game :-)

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