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О JimakoSs7

  • День рождения 10/01/1991


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JimakoSs7's Achievements

  1. JimakoSs7

    OMFG Greek Clan!

    I ll make spilberg's signature in your little white-cold ass with my blunt :poh:
  2. JimakoSs7

    OMFG Greek Clan!

    Dont post in your ugly language on our thread pidar!
  3. JimakoSs7


    You will suffer bro...
  4. JimakoSs7


    Yes of course this is an opinion... But in my case i wont have any advantage as been a spoiler except of playing with a bow... They sure get an advantage but it is minimum to affect the game...!
  5. JimakoSs7


    As they said in server's description "The description is not final and can be changed. All changes will be announced.", then we can make a try to convince admin about changing his mind about autoloot in this server... I know that every player has his opinion about autoloot and this is the best way to know who want autoloot to be on and who want it off! I hope that in the end of this poll we all and most important the admin will know what players of this server want because in my opinion this is the most important,what the majority want...! Thx a lot for your time...!
  6. I understand that server has to pay a lot of money to be alive and you have to earn some of these money by donations but... I think that c/b grade items/shots and sa crystals have to be removed because these things affects too much the game,in low rate servers some things have to be retail and not to sell them in donate shops because even some classes will be uselless and also donators will have some serious advantages against non donators!
  7. JimakoSs7

    Gracia Final x7 (OFF-Like!) - Concept Description!

    Is there any possibility autoloot to be enabled or disabled from .menu or any other command..?
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