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О Storhamar

  • День рождения 01/13/1989


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  1. Storhamar


    Shame on You. You said after 3rd jail all ppl will be banned, not jailed. Keltaa CP are jailed 10 or 15th times and ALWAYS they are free after 20 minutes. U know why? BECAUSE ONE CP WILL LEAVE IF U WON'T UNBAN THEM FOR BOTTING. Where are your fuckin rules? U got thousands of fraps and still without any effects. It's sad they are covered by one little pussy who played with them on another server. "Rules are the same for all" - random will get jail 48 hours, League - 30 minutes. Stop talking bullshits coz this server is the same like in averia. That's why League are playin only on russian servers. Coz only here they are protected by gm's.
  2. Storhamar

    Fariy Princess

    Well, that improved pets on start is really stupid idea. This server goin to be like pvp server. If u want to get some cash and give us some fun, stable server, think about it, coz max for 1 month most of players will search for another one with that boost.
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