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О faaabulous

  • День рождения 07/14/1987


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  1. Zambik don't tell me. It's not always been like that with L2. I do work and earn enough to be able to waste my money for donations, but you are losing the point here. How will you bring best experience into the game where there are two separate fractions : donators and non donators. All the hard work and time spent bringing up your char make it a wast of your time when you do stand against donators in pvps. Pointless..
  2. I have been waiting for a chance to start over for several years. It is still far away from L2 Eternal start so I browsed around and came across this server. But is that's gonna be what you dae2k is talking about, then think twice. You won't get anything like it was on L2 Paradise - all equal, very very little return for donations (in terms of not critically important items). You will ruin your chance at bringing up the server only by putting off the ones like myself. And I do believe there are a lot like me, wanting a fair chance at have a good game experience
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