Ach ten problém cz/sk komunity. Místo toho aby se spojila jde opět proti sobě :D jsem zvědav jak ve 4pt dáte ruský zergy :D místo toho abychom spojily síly,když už ne v klanu tak ally a zkusili uhrát něco proti Rusům tak se zase budeme srat k nim :D
Remove B grade sets,make shots untradeable,remove xp/sp from premium runes how you Said it in some topic,remove Wolf,kokabura at least for 2 weeks and it will be not so much p2w :) and please remove vitality potion or cake, leave there Just one.
Yes, but donators will be playing all the time with full vitality system. The rest of the server will play with normal rate (x7) - so the levels will be much bigger. And thats of course not fair! Because its x7 not x20 or how many.