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О NoMoreExcuse

  • День рождения 05/05/1999


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NoMoreExcuse's Achievements

  1. NoMoreExcuse

    Algum clan br ou Arg?

    q onda wachin todo tranqui
  2. NoMoreExcuse

    [Interlude Final x7] Task №1: "Check-in"

    1: I like the interlude of the chronicle because it is with the Beginning to touch the language 2 10 years ago, and I hope that this is the definitive interlude for people of different chronicles. 2: ROBelpadryno 3: I discovered through a friend 4: because the server died.
  3. NoMoreExcuse

    Complete the tasks - Receive the Rewards!

    1. Could you please let us know, what new you would like to see in Interlude conception? Are you ready for some modification from the higher chronicles? May be something you would like to make some mechanic easier? Answer : I would like to see the fortress events working on interlude, Also some new areas 2. Why do you like Interlude? Why did you like exactly this chronicles and how long are you going to play on this chronicles on decent server? Answer : I like the chronica interlude because it is one of which plays more time and is one of the chronicles and server that brings more people 3. Do you have any suggestions for us? Something you would like to change? Answer : I would like you to put the renewal and champion on the server !! Is a mid-rate server not a low to backpack for buffs
  4. NoMoreExcuse

    Complete the tasks - Receive the Rewards!

    ID Skype : bloodofganster Name in l2 : NoMoreExcuse
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