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Изменения репутации

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    anarquia изменил репутацию CaLyPaC в Remove cakes for 2 weeks[Yes/No]   
    Remove cakes for 2 weeks[Yes/No]
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    anarquia изменил репутацию conan em в KE drop/ Cake prices [Waiting for answer]   
    remove cakes for 2 weeks !
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    anarquia изменил репутацию Fikmen в KE drop/ Cake prices [Waiting for answer]   
    remove cakes for first month at least ;)
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    anarquia изменил репутацию CaLyPaC в KE drop/ Cake prices [Waiting for answer]   
    1- With this price not even 20% of players will donate [10 cakes] You have to think that are people from "all the world as your video says! And Euro is a really expensive coin for some countrys...It's simple if cakes stay at this price who don't donate won't rush level at first day,When they find a cake they will be low level to pvp for it...
    2- Thinking about Money...If you low the prices for 1/2 euros each cake it still expensive for us but is better than 4,4 each,If you low the prices ALMOUST ALL SERVER WILL Donate for it...Because everyone know that cake is fu cking OP for exp is 300% for 1 hour..But if you keep this price not all people will donate because they know that is almoust impossible for them defend a cake,With a lower price people will always keep donating for cakes..They will need it to level their base classe to 85,and 3 subclasses to 80 to get certification/transformations for base class.
    3- Believe me if you low the price for it..More people will donate because this price now is really expensive in some countrys So low the prices and receive more money and there will be more pvps in different places.
    [sorry for bad english]
  5. Like
    anarquia изменил репутацию CaLyPaC в KE drop/ Cake prices [Waiting for answer]   
    1~~ Epaulettes chance х1, q-ty х3 : WTF is Q-TY ? Drop rate is x1...Should boost it to 2/3x at least [server is x7 so drop must be higher]
    2~~ BirthDay Cakes: The price of cakes are too expensive please consider in decrease the price for it so all people can donate for it...Remember it's 300% exp not 30% or 15% So Top Donaters will exp level 80 in the first day.
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