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О Control1

  • День рождения 10/15/1992


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  1. Control1

    Adena Sellers

    This post was made 2 weeks ago, could you reply? I mean we know that you see the posts, you reply almost instantly to other threads. As i saw in your information, your tolerance to adena/items selling should be 0, and yet there is no action taken. Please let us know what are you going to do about this problem.
  2. Control1

    Adena Sellers

    Could you please answer the above topic?
  3. Control1

    Battle Pass

    so there will be no redesign on this server?
  4. Control1

    Can't connect to server

    delete topic, after several retries I managed to enter the sever
  5. Control1

    Can't connect to server

    After the server went down and came back up tonight, I tried logging in and I couldn't. I am stuck between selecting server on one account and in the loading screen after selecting server in another account. Btw will there be a pie for tonight server crash?
  6. Control1

    Adena Sellers

    I have seen adena sellers, how will you address this problem? What is your solution?
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