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  • День рождения 08/12/1962


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  1. KHE3


    It would be nice if we have autoloot for adena at least...
  2. skype = knez_ns Pozdrav i tebi buraz

  3. KHE3

    Beta experience.

    You're right about that :), but as far as L2 concerns, better that more people are online especially from the Anglo-Saxon areas so we can hunt them :). Greetings :) Имаш право по том питању :), ипак што се тиче L2 боље да је више људи онлајн нарочито са англо-саксонског подручја да их можемо јурити на мапи :). Велики поздрав :)
  4. KHE3

    Beta experience.

    Well, this is interesting subject to discuss, both sides (only English <=> any language in All Chat) have good arguments but my humble opinion is that for server will be better if all chat is in English. I will bring my clan here. We are all from Serbia and we mostly understand Russian because its similar language to ours, but still sometimes is useful to follow what ppl are talking in all chat, for example, where is good place to farm, where is Mammon etc. More ppl will be attracted to play on this server if all chat is in English with full respect to all languages of course, and More ppl = more Fun :) Thank You for your time and see You soon on Battlefield :)
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