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О rafas1

  • День рождения 11/19/1994


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rafas1's Achievements

  1. rafas1

    Bonuses for Newbies on Gracia Final x7!

    i think i might have a solution for you guys , ive been contacted the admin on facebook , and he said that its already started, but you have to update it from the L2 E-Global Portal 1st , because currently , the manual patch havent out yet
  2. rafas1

    Bonuses for Newbies on Gracia Final x7!

    is the event already started now? or until when i have to wait
  3. rafas1

    LF Academy + money + Clan

    i dont know if im violating any rules here , i hope not , im new here im now level 43(sadly got leveled up because of quest) , havent changed my 2nd job yet (one clicked away from changing job) and i dont know if my character can still join in academy or not (i hope i still can , i need money T_T) and im hoping that after i graduate if i still can , i can join the clan too dont be too harsh on me im new here hehe , and im sorry if im violating any rules, therefore thank you my nickname is Daddy my fb link https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100013340462848
  4. rafas1

    Epidemic back on September.

    can i join ? solo player but only speak english , my chara Overlord
  5. rafas1

    PR-event "Gracia Final for everyone"

    1. Why do you like Gracia Final chronicles? Gracia Final is the first time i played Lineage 2 to be honest hahaha 2. What do you expect from the new server? my old server (my country official server) is closed a long time ago so i hope i can play this new server , i hope this server is stable , have a lot of player so it could be much fun , and long last server :D 3. Why did you choose to join our project? i havent find good Gracia Final server since the server i played closed , so i hope i choose the right server now :D
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