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О flyaway1

  • День рождения 03/21/1966


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  1. flyaway1

    pvp fraps

    Uyy se ofendio jajaja, el problema es que tu party es una caca, que se puede esperar de mexicanos y gallegos xd
  2. flyaway1

    pvp fraps

    2016 y se comunican por chat, linda party jajaja
  3. flyaway1

    New drama

    How about you just roll back 1 day, make sure stuff like this doesn't happen again and your protection actually works? The way you're doing this it looks like some people will actually get away with their fishy stuff. The DDOS, B crystal bugging and the cleaning screen shit they were doing in Giran makes it difficult to think this isn't going to happen again. Good luck
  4. flyaway1

    New drama

    I bought 600 cry B from some bugger (he had 70k cry B on sale) and I still have them in my inventory.. why am iIsupposed to believe you cleaned up the crystals from everyone if I still have them? There's no point in playing knowing your server is vulnerable to external attacks. By the way, someone in giran was cleaning the chat up until you banned him 1h ago. This means people probably have access to your server and are able to summon items / do whatever the fuck they want. Please don't lie to people, some of us can actually think by ourselves.
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