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О Nighthawk1

  • День рождения 09/22/1987

Nighthawk1's Achievements

  1. Nighthawk1

    Fenrir food consumption

    they changed the food consumption because people complained that their pets had died because they ran out of food. which wouldn't have happened if they had unsummoned their pets while they were AFK. caring for a pet and paying attention to the pet's status information (AKA health and food) is the pet owner's responsibility. not the GMs. big slip-off there, GMs.... big slip-off
  2. Nighthawk1

    Modify l2.ini. Is is against rules?

    game chat colors are defined by systemmsg-e.dat, not l2.ini you friend was either trolling you, or scamming you.
  3. Nighthawk1

    PvP - scripts! - Punishment

    while I appreciate the response of the GMs to the issue of unfair play, I have a point to make: -even if you lower the quality of the graphics, the graphic effects are still triggered by actions, which are triggered by characters, which are loaded from accounts, which the server allows TOO MANY of. each account has the capacity to register seven characters. ALSO, there is the subclass system (which, for those who have no idea how the L2 game evolved, was added so that the korean players didn't have to create MORE accounts in order to play different characters, in an environment of PAY-TO-PLAY accounts) which allows skill diversity. so, I ask again.... does somebody REALLY need a main character + one prophet + one overlord + one warcryer + one warlock + one warsmith + one spoiler + one bladedancer + one swordsinger + one elder in order to function? (oh, and not to mention that every single character goes around with a pet.... because, aparently the damage dealers need even more damage, and the wizards keep running low on mp even with an elder, and the elder with a kookaburra behind them)
  4. Nighthawk1

    Unnecessary characters

    only a sustained mild delay, across all actions, which I assume is due to me being across the globe, and playing when the server is crowded. lag-wise, the server runs fine for me, even on rush hour. it's the amount of non-people crowding the fields and cities, and overloading the game client..... not to mention leaving unclaimed loot laying around, and stepping into your field of view, and spamming macros, and spamming kookaburra shouts all over the place.
  5. Nighthawk1

    Unnecessary characters

    which turns to non-existant if there's people *not needing* supports by being able to be their own supports. I'm full of seeing players everywhere complaining that "this character hits too hard, plz nerf!" or "I'm leveling up too slow, please more vitality!" or things like that. all those problems can be fixed by using the *other* characters and their skills, which have been balanced out as a whole set...... which nobody uses because the server enables them to not-use them. obviously the server IS handling the data load, but 3/4 of that data load is dead weight, because there's no relevant input from those characters, because they're just standing around.
  6. Nighthawk1

    Unnecessary characters

    the very point of this post is to state that this *is not* a low-populated server. and, in addition to that, the server rules *allow* for more than one client logged in from the same IP..... adding insult to injury.
  7. FACT: there's a good two thousand people in the server. FACT: there's a system for gathering people into clans and parties. FACT: there's a system for announcing one's desire to be included into a clan or party, or for clan/party leaders to announce their desire to include more people into their groups. WHY, I ask, WHY then, do we have people running around with three secondary characters supporting ONE player? WHY is there three times the amount of characters on every city adding up to the request for service from the server that shouldn't exist in the first place? WHY does the server have to update the status of these characters to every other character around who is not affected by the outcome of these characters' actions? WHY does my computer have to process three times the data load showing me characters that don't affect my gameplay or decisions in the slightest? WHY, I ask. if you so much desire to have three supports for every other character, then remove the clan system altogether, because nobody seems to care about it. .....and the chat system? remove that too.... because, why would anyone have to ask for party or clan if everyone is their own party and clan? ....and the party quests and dungeons? take those away too... because it's not a party that is entering them, but one player alone. please.... do answer the question of why would people want three accounts logged in at the same time having a thousand people from ten different countries playing characters from a roster of 32 different classes allowing for millions of different gameplay combinations, to choose from. please. because I would really want to know. can we, human players who play *their* character and *their* character alone, be allowed to walk down a city street without tripping on some kookaburra or wolf that is just standing there adding absolutely nothing to the player holding it, nor being added absolutely nothing by the player holding it either? I'm not asking for a rebalance of skills or classes. I'm not asking for a prize-awarding event. I'm not asking for a bug fix. I'm asking for a simple assurance of basic movement capability. please? thank you.
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