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О toxelchen

  • День рождения 10/06/1982


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  1. toxelchen

    cycling macro

    now that the cycling macros are almost dead, the donaters and nolifer will be 10x stronger than last server. good job.
  2. just a english comment. so they remove next target for makro use? the translate from google is sometimes a bit odd. so i cant do following makro as loop like on the old servers as tyrant? /nexttarget /use ForceBurst /use ForceStorm
  3. toxelchen

    About server

    most ppl on this server are just handless nabs, they need out of party horse/cat/judi/tank/arba, bc they cant win anything. :D they dont want to lose a spot for this. they should just play h5 x50 server, so they have every buff in this game.
  4. they wont touch the summoner buffs. people told it already at MW2 and MW3 but they dont change it, bc top partys dont want to lose these buffs. they dont want to play with summoners, they just want the buff. u can see it at mass pvp, they constant kick ppl and invite buff chars (prannah, cat, pony, sos, fi) etc.
  5. toxelchen

    Decrease Damage of Baylor

    ok, i just watched ur video and another one and i see, Baylor only jump 1 times in ur videos. when we made baylor, he always jumped 3 times in a row. maybe we make something wrong. becasue 1 jump is easily for healing, but not 3 times, that was our problem.
  6. toxelchen

    Decrease Damage of Baylor

    @Dremora u guys have Heroic Valor
  7. toxelchen

    Decrease Damage of Baylor

    baylor hit our chars with 7-9k dmg and they had full s grade, 100+ dark resist and 3-3,8k p def.
  8. Will u decrease p atk of baylor this time? on the first 2 masterwork servers, baylor was strong too, but u had the chance to kill him as melee party, but on last masterwork server, its not rly possible, when i get hit for 6-7k dmg on 3-3,5k p def. and the only tactic was to run in circle and hit with range attack.....
  9. toxelchen

    new season

    what balance? ppl playing 90% sorc/sps/gladi. nice balancing. :D and when kamaels come, archer partys will rise. early game is mages and endgame are archer/gladi partys.
  10. toxelchen

    new season

    again no changes to summoner is just a joke, everyone has self buffs 20 min and all other buffs are togles, just not for summoner. i said yesterday, just add for summoner buff the toogle and let the buff for the const partys. so live player can just use toogle and stay in party and 90% of the summoner abuse in mass pvp can use the skill. any info about baylor this season? last season the buff to baylor was just a joke, getting 5-7k dmg on chars with full s grade and over 3k pdef. and he just should let kamael play at the begginig...every season u need to wait 2 months to play it, its rly stupid. but i think no big changes will come and my friends wont join it this time.
  11. toxelchen

    Фарм Байлора

    its still an absolute joke what the admin did with baylor...i really think he smoke too much pot. its just waste of time as melee, everyone seraching for range dds or ppl need buy bows. playing l2 since 2005 and never seen such a crap on all servers before.
  12. toxelchen

    Our friend got scammed.

    shit happens i would say. when i played 2009 on teon (official server) i wanted to OE a forgotten bade and by a mistake i used my icarus heavy arms with 150 holy attribute. if u guys quit, send me all the gear, "LittleSweety. :D
  13. toxelchen

    Урон Байлора

    we tried today baylor again and this time with more dark resist. i had 3031 p def and 101 dark resist and still baylor hit me for 8k. thats rly crazy.
  14. toxelchen

    Big Advantage for Mages again

    because melee will run into other rooms if u target mob by name. same in IT or pagan.
  15. since the admins change /targetnext and removed only usable for mobs, everyone can now flagged stand next to a melee party and kill them or the melee party stop farm, bc autoloop dont work if they flagged. now u can run through catas or good spots and can flag and kill them. but what happen to mages and archer? they can use /useskillstand and can farm like hell and will never be flagged. i see now more and more mages farming in catas/gc/big spots because u can use macro for target mob name and stand in the middle of the room. whats the reason for this? its just a big stupid system.
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