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    ss316 изменил репутацию braveheart в ADMINS TAKE A LOOK / ROTATION ON EPIC TIMERS   
    Hello to e-global team
    I would like to drop a really important suggestion to all of you both players and admin team.I do not consider the idea of spawning all the epics on the same timers over and over again (even if the epics last time died on a whole different time) a good idea. You have an international and a big community and you re giving the chance to specific players to join the epic fights. People that are from brasil,america or people that actually working on the timers you re putting the raid timers wont join them no matter what. Also people that actually want to fight for an epic and be competitive they could do it no matter the timer. Give the same chances to all of us to participate in your server.
    with all the respect i have as a player
    sincerely yours.
  2. Like
    ss316 изменил репутацию braveheart в add rotation to epics   
    i think it would be fair for everyone to have a small rotation on epics,as long as the community is that big and have a huge amount of international players,it would be great. drop your thoughts on that.
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    ss316 изменил репутацию LEX1 в spacing between offline shops   
    Thank you, we will discuss this idea with our gaming department
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    ss316 изменил репутацию Erawind в How expensive is your ego?   
    So you wanna be a pro lineage2 player in 2017? Look no further , heres a few tips on how to do it with these few steps:
    1: Donate for 3ed class buffs
    2: Donate for c grade, b grade weapons armor and jewls
    3: Donate for runes bonus runes extra cool runes
    4: Donate for early mana pots (optional only for the real pros)
    5: Donate for 3ed class
    With these few steps your party will be the best, while all the scrubs that didn't donate are struggling in Alligator island with their shitty no grade your party can be at PI in no time, outleveling anyone else and when they finally show up you can fuck them easily and show them who the real pro is, thats right champ, its you!
    (Ok click-bait title and sarcastic post, it is quite sad though that we all had to donate so many different things to be competitive with each other, even if the impact only really matters for the first day, i feel like we would had much better pvps if the donations weren't as retarded)
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    ss316 изменил репутацию esdr в EPIC CONTROL PANEL   
    Imo on website shoulde be a simple panel to show who is currently wearing epic jewels
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    ss316 изменил репутацию Erawind в 3rd buffs in donation   
    Sure its about money but this hurts them more than doing any good, that 3ed buff lasting 1 hour will shift the gameplay of the server completely, its a you must have early on to rush the levels and get the key bosses for sub and nobl.. ah wait, you can donate nobl aswell nvm.
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    ss316 изменил репутацию Scion1 в DroppinEmNiggas   
    Might come here with 1 cp ^

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