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О CrisMuyo

  • День рождения 01/15/1993


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  1. I have not seen a single person saying "It's good as it is." Everyone is complaining , no one likes the way it is right now, and the admin seems not to care.
  2. Normally if you trust each other and/or have been playing for a long time , you create an account with JUST the buffers and a different password than you actual characters and share that account among your clan members, that is the solution i would apply to that problem. Having a Clan Buffer, shared among a few people who have different work schedules. But as you said. even for party/clan players the low time on the buffs from 3rd class is not appealing. So that should be fixed =/
  3. So... i was thinking about this and reached the following conclusion, notice that there are 2 conclusions , one for solo players and another for players who plan on having a clan or a party with them. i'll explain in detail my arguments and why i'm saying everything instead of just going on a blind rant. so please bear with me. Solo Players (I'm a solo player myself): With a buffer without 3rd class buffs, and a player buff being ONLY 5 minutes. It's impossible for a solo player to do anything right on this server as it is. Why? because you have to level up a buffer from any class you want, do the 3rd class quest, that's long and a lot of work for every buffer class, and keep logging multiple accounts every 5 minutes. Do i need to say that this is A LOT of work JUST to be a solo player and have the basics in terms of buffs? You'll never be able to fight for anything and be an easy target for any PK who has acess to that, being it from a party or not. This would be MUCH more doable if i had the 3rd class buffs on the NPC buffer and they had at least 20 minutes, i'll need to go to town every 20 minutes for a rebuff, and if player 3rd class buffs were 60 minutes, it would still be useful to create my own buffers, since that would cut the time of rebuff in 1/3, and i would also pay other players for those buffs, if i had no buffer of my own. But with a 5 minute timer, paying every five minutes, returning to town every five minutes is just not worth it. If you really are following me up to this part you'll see that being a solo player with the current Npc buffer/Player buffer time is right next to impossible without months creating your own buffers and a lot of work just to stay with those buffs. such as 5 minute rebuffs. My proposal of the NPC 20 minute buff without special buffs (cat/seraph) would make buffers a valuable asset without being a NECESSITY and give solo players the chance to be solo players if they desire to be so. As for Party Players and Clan Players: It's the best case Scenario. It'll make the play style more valuable , since having multiple people having multiple buffers and doing them all at the same time is a lot less work and player X can log out , log his buffer, buff the party, then player y can do that and so on. Or in the case of logging multiple accounts, it'll be even easier, since just one person has to have good hardware. There's not a lot more i can say about this, since they will have about the same tasks but can do a lot at the same time , cutting the time required by the number of party members. I know this makes players resort to teamwork and be more social. and that's a good thing on it's own, But i would like to have to option to not be social sometimes. Sorry about my terrible english, And i hope to not offend anyone, and that the admins at least think about this matter as if they were also playing this game alone (either by choice or because they lack friends who do)
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