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О Smalec666

  • День рождения 08/01/1985


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  1. Hello, checking if there are any old friends or enemy's playing here. If someone has a non cp based clan, this is something we would be very interested. If my nick tell you nothing but you looking for people to play with, don't hesitate to msg. Only requirement is mic and basic spoken English so we can chat while PvEing and listen while PvPing. Little info, if you want to read a bit more before msging. I started as SWS, Avein is playing Glad. We play together since Celes. Finished low rates carrier after RPG, high rates few years after that. Still learning this server as it has been to long and weird mixture of chronicles. My current play time is 4-7h but online hours are all over the place (love working shifts), Avein play time is very flexible and around 4-7h as well. We do have our TS but "willing" to change to discord. I'm to lazy to look for any PvP videos but I'm sure if you google some Solution, BeCool, NonSense, Genocide and few enemy's fraps. I will be there running around as SWS. I never recorded anything myself so there wont be a POV.
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