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О Landryn

  • День рождения 06/09/1989


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  1. Landryn

    Razer synapse macro

    it works once, then it doesnt even start macro when i start it with synapse thats strange, dunno why its like that, i think if they would block it, it wouldnt work at all.
  2. Hiya. does anyone use razer synapse to play with boxes? Instead of loop macro which is a bit bugged running in background?
  3. Landryn

    Massive lags after maintenance

    Its all allright for me. Got 5accs logged in
  4. Landryn

    Loop Macro doesn't work

    Macro is still bugged from time to time character stops performing cyclic macro. Sometime it stops after 2mins sometimes works 10min. So it wasnt fixed still.
  5. Landryn

    cant log in server WTF??????

    Use ur brain dude
  6. Landryn

    Duals for bd

    Hiya Whats the best and cheapest option to get duals for bd as a box? To make it possible to dance
  7. Landryn

    Mass Sweep

    Do you rly think that is allright when two drunk bums have higher vote power than someone who finished studies and became a doctor? Whats The point of callingsomeone fascist?
  8. Landryn

    Mass Sweep

    Thanks hope someone just gonna perceive that is nonsense to remove it from our server. As a main spoiler im having trouble sometimes to sweep mobs over. Especially killing large amount of groups.
  9. Landryn

    Mass Sweep

    Whats the point of removing it? Server in the peak time very often is giving lag spikes and it makes imposible to sweep single monsters. Ps. Democracy isnt good. Theres more dumb ppl than smart ones
  10. Landryn

    Mass Sweep

    Ye Im dissapointed too. Spoil is my main character and im sad to see theres no mass sweep for us spoilers. I dont know why they didnt add it here when its available on different servers
  11. Landryn


    I had the same problem, i wrote a ticket and solution was rly simple. Just had to switch between game serverlist in account panel in the upperleft corner and push refresh character list each time i switched servers. Hope i helped u
  12. Landryn

    Game launcher doesnt work

    Omg its offline dude
  13. Landryn

    Eglobal + l2dex is it the same one server?

    But why then they have different currency for donate?
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