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О Gedymeight

  • День рождения 10/05/1983

Gedymeight's Achievements

  1. As I can see, the Palaik's Quest did not work correctly. I can count on rewards from the task without re-executing. I will add that I made them three times. Regards
  2. Gedymeight

    login down?

    GM ??
  3. Gedymeight

    login down?

    I confirm, does not go into the game
  4. I just re-installed the game, I did the third time the palaika, the effect the same.
  5. Hello. Twice I did Palaike, Adler did not show up after killing the final BOSS I didn't get either EXP/SP or both jewels I beg for a quick action on this Regards
  6. Gedymeight

    Complete the tasks - Receive the Rewards!

    1. In the chronicle interlude is the most important form of balance. Better to leave without frills what already works properly. One change is the transfer of items by a dwarf. Back to previous chronicles always go out for good. The most important is to maintain a large number of players. 2. Chronicle This is my favorite due to the introduction of weapons of shade and improvements related to the stone age. What really accelerates training. Playing time ... without end until there is a large online. 3. No, I leave the professionalism of GM
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