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О Monk3y

  • День рождения 01/12/1990


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Monk3y's Achievements

  1. Monk3y

    Poll about buff's!

    Yea but i want to hear it from they.
  2. Monk3y

    Poll about buff's!

    Why ur making a poll about buff's if u dont even care about it? This server had a chance to be best....
  3. Monk3y

    Interlude Mid-Rate x25 is Back! - January 7.

    Makedonsky, if it's x25 server doesnt mean u need to spend hour's on exp/farming. Server's like this are for max few month's. You just got born?
  4. Monk3y

    Interlude Mid-Rate x25 is Back! - January 7.

    I want to chill on this server, dont have time to exp boxes. I'm a solo player, i wont have any1 to help me with buffs. I want to have fun, not a problem with basics like buffs.
  5. Monk3y

    Discussion: NPC Buffer and everything about it

    Maybe they will make us a gift on start and u will see all buffs in NPC. I hope that :)
  6. Monk3y

    Interlude Mid-Rate x25 is Back! - January 7.

    Yea, we need just a little info. Some people are still thinking about playing here...
  7. Monk3y

    Discussion: NPC Buffer and everything about it

    Im not saying thay server is super corrupted, every server need money to run, but dont make game uncomfortable.
  8. Monk3y

    Interlude Mid-Rate x25 is Back! - January 7.

    Are you playing first time on interlude server like this? No1 will play on PP/WC, they will only make them for boxes.
  9. Monk3y

    Interlude Mid-Rate x25 is Back! - January 7.

    Yea, 80 mins left and we still dont know WHAT ABOUT BUFFS? Would you answer us?
  10. Monk3y

    Discussion: NPC Buffer and everything about it

    It's obvious that the only thing they care is money, but I hope they will change such a basic feathure like 3rd buff's in npc.
  11. Monk3y

    Complete the tasks - Receive the Rewards!

    1. Could you please let us know, what new you would like to see in Interlude conception? Are you ready for some modification from the higher chronicles? May be something you would like to make some mechanic easier? Interlude is good as it is, but i would like to see stacking enchant's, maybe some new accesories and pet's with special buff's? (not op buff's). 2. Why do you like Interlude? Why did you like exactly this chronicles and how long are you going to play on this chronicles on decent server? Interlude is the greatest chronicle for me. Simplicity and balance is what i like most in this chronicle. If game will be entertaining i will play as long as i can. 3. Do you have any suggestions for us? Something you would like to change? I would like to see 3rd buff's on npc (without cat's/uni/hot spring's), and make all skill's auto-learning. I would like to see 20+4 buff slot's (for better balance).
  12. Monk3y

    Interlude Mid-Rate x25 is Back! - January 7.

    What's about buff's? Player's want 3rd on NPC Buffer. Are you listening to player's?
  13. Monk3y

    Discussion: NPC Buffer and everything about it

    Why administration dont want to make 3rd buff's in NPC on x25 server. They want you to have 3 boxes on ur back? It's pointless on mid rate server. Even if 75% of us went for other option. If there will be no 3rd buff's then most of player's will have boxes logged in. Where is the fun on 25x interlude when u need to create boxex for basic buff's. U will lose a lot of player's because of that 1 stupid feathure. Bring the old style buffer :)
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