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О AzRaeL1

  • День рождения 05/14/1990

AzRaeL1's Achievements

  1. AzRaeL1

    Event - Chinese New Year to Interlude x25

    I mean, the angry one.
  2. AzRaeL1

    Event - Chinese New Year to Interlude x25

    I really cant find this npc.
  3. Is it disable here or aren't working ?
  4. AzRaeL1

    Event - Chinese New Year to Interlude x25

    Thank you for your reply, but none of my cla has seen this nps. Even with the updated system. Also Could u post a print from our server, because this doesn't looks like our 25x IL. No ppl in aden.
  5. AzRaeL1

    Event - Chinese New Year to Interlude x25

    I see.. I got no reply from support.
  6. AzRaeL1

    Event - Chinese New Year to Interlude x25

    Could you send us an image of his appareance ? I really cant find it. I can see normal rooster but not the angry one, even /target doesn't work.
  7. AzRaeL1

    Event - Chinese New Year to Interlude x25

    Whats is that Angry new year's rooster stuff? I can't find this npc in any town
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