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О hvg

  • День рождения 06/11/1991


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hvg's Achievements

  1. hvg

    Event - Chinese New Year to Interlude x25

    Are you guys serious , making an event that requiers donations to open? lol You actually made the golden eggs drop quite a bit so more people will invest in E-Coin . Care to share the rates at which the items are dropping from the eggs? Be transparent if you ask for real money!
  2. hvg

    LF Bishops/EE/Archers for CP.

    Bump! LF Archers with DB/Bishop for English CP.
  3. hvg

    LF Bishops/EE/Archers for CP.

    Need one archer with DB for full PT.
  4. hvg

    LF Bishops/EE/Archers for CP.

    Bump! Need 2x Bishops , 2x DB Archers for full CP
  5. hvg

    LF Bishops/EE/Archers for CP.

    Looking for 2 Bishops.
  6. hvg

    LF Bishops/EE/Archers for CP.

    Looking only for 2 Bishops and 1 EE now.
  7. hvg

    LF Bishops/EE/Archers for CP.

    English is the requierment for this CP. We have CoV + Cat Buff and 3 archers so far. We need 2 more Archers and 2 Bishops , 1 EE. PM hvg in game or leave message on thread or on PM. Cheers!
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