What drugs are you on Zobi?
What the fuck you on about, why would an archer party brag about having more epics than a mage party?
Why would you bring numbers in the argument in a fucking russian server? It's always zerg wars, deal with it, always some side will have 1-2 parties more. By the way, we were even numbers at Baium and 95 vs 118 at Anthy, you don't see us crying about it, and you certainly have NO right to talk after xside recruited another cc partry+treshak party. Good job recruiting a party from another side, great way to kill the server. It's stupid as fuck, excuseme is the only one of the ruskie leaders on this server that's actually good at leading in mass pvp, but he goes and recruits more to kill clans that can't even foi properly. Why?
And noone seriously asked to join xside, it was just seph trolling, we don't want to join them (and tbh they pros wouldn't want us either) after some drama in the low-rate. Don't talk if you don't know shit.
And bragging about archer crits on a server like this just makes you look retarded, seriously it's cringey as fuck, you used to be a decent player, stop acting like that.
Last but not least, if you think your party is a factor in any of these mass pvps, you're fucking delusional. Gratz, your archer hit some mage for 7k, good job, now get AOEd and die.