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О ftlpro

  • День рождения 11/15/1984


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  1. ftlpro

    Bots aren't prohibited???

    Is it so difficult to answer in english? I dont speak your language my friend.
  2. ftlpro

    Bots aren't prohibited???

    Trolya, Is there a reason that a players needs to be online in order to be checked by your support team since you have all his logs available? And it would be good to take in consideration my proposal. That way, no screenshots would be necessary from people like Ridney to prove that they have been banned as well! Hoping for a constructive discussion. I am not here to flame / blame, just to enjoy the game that pleases me! :)
  3. ftlpro

    Bots aren't prohibited???

    I don't like to swear people, especially when i play mostly solo, for fun, to kill my free time and not to "blow the shit up" in a server. Congratulations to you and your clan for doing it (if you did so). Also, i don't have a clue of the guy that you are talking about, i have been playing with "ftlpro" nick since forever on private low rate servers. But my friend, i am really sorry to realize how stupid you seem to be. I never cried or whatsoever. I just made a question WITHOUT pointing the finger to any clan / ally. I just asked if its allowed and i made some additional proposals in order to have a better protection from players that use 3rd party programs. Nothing more, nothing less. I was expecting that "good" players like you would understand and agree. I guess i was wrong. I couldn't expect more from someone who judges based on origin... Still though, even if you are drowning yourself in stupidity, i would like to congratulate you once more for "blowing the shit up" in this server. Now you can go conquer the next one! It is just some thousands clicks and keystrokes away! :D
  4. ftlpro

    Bots aren't prohibited???

    Instead of cursing everyone that has a different opinion with you, its better to open your eyes, look the facts and understand them (if possible). Indeed bot works on this server, that is why GMs are banning bots. Except if its you who was botting and you don't want a ban ;) By the way, Trolya, you answer to my petition was the below: Unfortunately this players wasn’t online at the moment of each inspections. Accordingly to the Project Rules we have no evidences to apply sanctions to this player at the moment. Thereby we are forced to close this ticket. As far as i know and having created a server in the past myself, i can ensure you that you can check the log of the player in order to see if he was using third party software the date and time that he was reported. Also i ensure you that you can find the HARDWARE IP of the player that used the 3rd party software and ban his main chars instead of banning only farm chars (or even ban this specific HW IP). Let me also comment on your answer that being online is not relevant. Petition is made for players because they used bot program in the past (in the specific moment that was reported), so i don't see the reason why they need to be online in order to check their past. Even if he is online, he might not use the bot at that specific moment. So i would propose you to check the log instead of searching the players if they are online (which is totally useless). And if i may propose something in addition, it would be good to have a list in forum in order to see the players that are banned and how many times have they been banned. Like that, everyone can see that his petition is working and that players are indeed getting bans and permanent bans after the 3rd time. Thanks for your time :)
  5. ftlpro

    Bots aren't prohibited???

    Άμα είσαστε ανεγκέφαλοι με σκατά μέσα στο κεφάλι σας....
  6. ftlpro

    Bots aren't prohibited???

    Yeah... right.... http://prntscr.com/e5ct2r
  7. ftlpro

    Bots aren't prohibited???

    Next time i will send you the video to satisfy your stupidity. Btw, was it you by any chance and you are buthurted?
  8. ftlpro

    Bots aren't prohibited???

    Not even hitting back...
  9. ftlpro

    Bots aren't prohibited???

    Admins, i am wondering what you are going to do with these bots... You banned me due to the usage of a specific mouse (!!!!) Let see what you are going to do to these 4 people that are using specific programms which are not allowed...
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