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    JapaOtu изменил репутацию Beony в Renaissance [Brazilian Clan - Recruit Open]   
    Olá amigos, devido a falta de opção e a pouca demanda de brasileiros dispostos a criar uma side no server, nos decidimos desde agora, anunciar que estamos formando um grupo o qual já esta sendo composto por cerca de 3 pts, se você estiver aqui, solo ou em cp, e estiver afim de jogar conosco entrem em contato através do inbox.
    O nosso proposito e real, assim como o dos outros clans, queremos estar em todas as atividades possíveis diariamente. Siege, raids, e etc.. Não temos horários específicos para gameplay do clan, mas se sua cp tiver essa regra (a mesma poderá ser mantida) desde que durante as atividades destinadas ao clan, todos estejam online.
    att, BeoNy
  2. Like
    JapaOtu получил репутацию от João Victor Citta в PROCURO CP   
    Olá, estou com um pequeno grupo de amigos, uns 4, 5... jogávamos no DEX, e depois fomos pro RPG.Club.... agora migraremos pra cá, pensamos em fazer pt-mage..... que classes pretendem jogar?.... até então estamos com... overlord/3-nukers/bd/song/spoil.... precisamos de EE-SE e Cardinal.... outros aamigos tb virão.. temos um grupo no whats, cerca de 15 pessoas (creio que tds virão pra cá)...e um outro grupo com 30+ pessoas que jogam (uns não estão jogando no momento e outros em outro servidor, de repente deste grupo, consigo achar pessoas pra vcs).... o que quero dizer é que; se organizar certinho todo mundo transa hehehehe até mais!
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    JapaOtu изменил репутацию Papanda в PR-event "Hype train goes to High Five!"   
    Change language:

    E-Global PR-event "Hype train goes to High Five!"

    We are glad to invite you to take a part in PR-event to receive the bonuses for your comfortable start.
    Participate in our events and receive your reward!

    Task #1: Facebook
    All you need is to "Like" and comment this post -
    To complete this task you need to have at least 30 friends.
    10 winners are going to be picked from the participants that completed all tasks, by using fanpagekarma services. The results are going to be announced on 30 April during 18:00 - 19:00 (CET).
    Reward - Box with Infinity Global Rune. The winners will receive their rewards soon after they will be announced.
    [spoiler=Way of determination the winners ]
    Please note, that you can win only if you completed all tasks - like и comment!

    Task #2: Skype
    To complete this task you will need to follow few steps:

    1. Add our support manager to your contact list - e-global.support
    2. Set a status - E-Global High Five x5, Grand Opening on 28 April at 19:00 (CET). Let's make Lineage 2 great again!
    3. Set a avatar - [ link ]
    4. Send a message to your contacts:
    Hey! Have you heared about HF x5 by E-Global? See you on the Grand Opening on 28 April at 19:00 (CET). Join us, it should be just awesome! More detailed description you can find here: https://goo.gl/kszcSl
    Please note, to complete this task you need to have at least 30 contacts in your contact list.
    This task will be finished on 30 April, at 23:00 (CET).
    Reward - 1 Chocolate Cookie + 3 Vitality Maintaining Potion. The winners will receive their rewards soon after they will be announced.
    Task #3: Memories
    It's the most simple task - answer on few our questions and receive the Coupon for Accessory!

    1. What do you expect from this server?
    2. What do you think about "political" arena on this server? Which side are you going to join?
    3. What do you think regarding the fact that 3rd party software wouldn't work on our server, even pay-to-use software?
    4. Are you interested to play on Classic 1.5 server with further upgrade to 2.0+ from E-Global?
    You need to leave the answers in this thread.
    This task will be finished on 30 April, at 23:00 (CET), bonus code on Coupon for Accessory going to be sent to you via forums personal message during the day after event end.
    Bonus task: Win 1 of 4 TeamSpeak servers for 120 slots!
    You are the Leader of the Clan or Lineage 2 community and you are going to start on our High Five x5? Awesome! This task is exactly what you need!
    You can find more detailed information in special thread:
  4. Like
    JapaOtu изменил репутацию iMush в PROCURO CP   
    mais alguém? =D
  5. Like
    JapaOtu изменил репутацию Mugetsoo в PROCURO CP   
    me chama no whats 5551991076926
  6. Like
    JapaOtu изменил репутацию iMush в PROCURO CP   
    To pensando em montar uma CP, quem topa? Me add no Skype ou whatsapp
    Eduardo_fulber - Skype
    55 54 999692998 - Whatsapp
  7. Like
    JapaOtu изменил репутацию Branca в PROCURO CP   
    Vamos nessa.
  8. Like
    JapaOtu изменил репутацию iMush в PROCURO CP   
    opa tmb to procurando =D
  9. Like
    JapaOtu изменил репутацию Mugetsoo в PROCURO CP   
    PROCURO CP, Ou player pra montar uma, jogo de qualquer classe ( Preferencia Light/Robe User).
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