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    geo_myria изменил репутацию Papanda в Bonus task: Win TS server!   
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    Win 1 of 4 TeamSpeak servers for 120 slots!

    You are the Leader of the Clan or Lineage 2 community and you are going to start on our High Five x5, but you need some way to communicate? Awesome, TeamSpeak server for 120 slots is exactly what you need!
    E-Global in association with TeamSpeak prepared an event that will be very useful for small (in scale of High Five chronicle) clan or community.
    To participate in our event you will need to follow few simple steps:

    1. Create a thread into clan recruitment section ;
    2. Make a topic and make it look "nice" (whatever you think nice is);
    3. Add some screenshots\movies\arts of your clan\community so everyone can see, how good you are!
    4. Send Private Message to the Administrator with a link on your thread and your clan crest;
    5. Call your community to join the forum! Let's get acquainted ;)

    26 April we will make a random pick and giveaway 4 TeamSpeak server license for 120 slots between Clan Leaders who followed all instructions.
    PS: "TeamSpeak server" includes hosting of the license. All you need is just login, create channels and invite your people.
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    geo_myria изменил репутацию M00ner в Ελληνική Clan ή CP?   
    Αν και έχουν περάσει χρόνια από την τελευταία φορά που έπαιξα L2, ψήνομαι να ξεκινήσω πάλι αν βρω παρέα και όπως πάει... Σκέφτομαι να κάνω είτε κατι σε dwarf είτε Bishop - Bishop έπαιζα πάντα αλλά και το νανάκι έχει πλάκα. Θα μπορώ να παίξω από τις 4 Μαϊου και μετά.
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    geo_myria изменил репутацию Apache Ant в Make Lineage 2 Great Again (High Five x5)   
    E-Global: High Five x5 (Retail)
    Open alpha-test: April 4!
    open beta-test: Will be announced after Alpha-test.
    Grand Opening - April 28


    Oh Yeaah, we totally know how to make "Big War". Really tough fights in our game worlds.The confrontation between Clans and Allianses of different rates, play styles and chronicles. General competition among people of different languages, ages and social groups. Well, in fact, that is why we like playing Lineage 2 - cruel world with it's own character, which throw us a challenge! Where every player is unique and has the right to decide what game style to choose, make his own world, as part of The World.
    Because of that, we love making games on e-Global level.
    Our top priority, as it was mentioned before - to create really a living world. Each of you, despite of skill, playing time, charactes, language, your aims, will have a possibility to find people with common interests, and be a part of The World. Where everyone can become a part of a team, fighting his own way to glory!
    And last but not the least - to get true emotions thanks to real, long, tough, unpredictable Total "Big War", as it must be.

    Every new server requires personal approach.
    The player should never put an absolute trust in any brand. On the other side, behind us there is a complex expirience of 5 ,without any exceptions,
    successful servers with high online of unique players. Well, we made some mistakes at times. Nevertheless we are open to your thoughts, opinions and even criticism, and today we are ready to fight for your warmest feedback.
    Pass from words to deeds, lets have a look at our previous low-rated servers: Interlude and Gracia final.
    [spoiler=Spoiler.]There is a classified information that some players from Official server are goint to join us.
    Pass from words to deeds, lets have a look at our previous low-rated servers: Interlude and Gracia Final.
    [spoiler=Game accounts.]
    [spoiler=Unique site sessions in first days. ]
    [spoiler=Gfx7 unique and total online during a week since the start. The highest point - 5356]
    [spoiler=Ilx7 after 10 days from start (april 25th - may 7th). The peak - 6064. ]
    How do we manage to attract huge attention,having tens of thousands players in our worlds?
    The point is not the money and advertising. The point is people and strong relationships, you are not looking for just "Official files" or "Grand opening", but for the well-organised show. Our primary resource is your trust, which has the highest value. We were able to create a community who awaits E-global servers with its unique traits and atmosphere. What is more, our team wants to justify your trust and expectations, bringing our servers to perfection.

    We will make the world, which on one hand is simple and clear, even friendly to its habitants in the beginning, on the other hand - the strong will and persistense is required on your way to the heights of power. This principle affects gameplay through dynamic rates - smooth decreasing from x12 on low lvls to x3 on high levels. It includes exp, drop, spoil, quests rewards and what not, in a balanced way ofc.
    In our opinion, making a long-termed server means constantly working in 2 dimentions - increasing the flow of new players and creating challenges for top players. Special bonus programs for newbies, will be available in a few days after the opening. Moreover, author's events, tournaments, Big War, living economy, multinational community will create the very atmosphere regardless of your aims.


    We do have in mind the following.
    [spoiler=server support and troubleshooting]
    We start Hive Five server for the first time and ready to face technical and social problems. Becides, this is going to be the first server with global support by well co-ordinated team from the beginning till the end.
    [spoiler=Finding new ways of progress]
    Any server dies if a player has not interest or reached the top of the game. Our goal is to invent so called "Update system". It implies looking after server's life and making some things harder to obtain.
    [spoiler=The use of third-party software]This topic will be explained below.
    [spoiler=The afterlife]It is a question of similar concept and chronicles.There are servers with an adequate policy concerning afterlife. We believe that using acurate and fine adjusments will help players to save their efforts.
    [spoiler=To cut in short]

    Alongside with growing recognition of lineage 2, the number of 3rd-party software has increased dramatically. While some of them are harmless and just helps to remove monotonic moments. Others on the contrary could destroy the point of the game, hacking it or f.e. giving the fastest response to another player's actions in pvp.We are totally aware of that actual problemof modern Lineage 2.
    Due to these reasons our server has a unique Interface, which is desinged to make you play more comfortable, as well as bot-hunting, which includes cutting off paid Pvp scripts.The guard system was succesfully tested on our previous server, although the soft market is constantly in progress. None the less, the use of different methods gives us an opportunity to decrease its influence on players.


    The very first e-Global server was famous for its regular tournaments with the support of Wepay.Tv.
    Nowadays we dont turn a blind eye on this area either and it's an open secret that we have an expirienced employee in 9 vs 9 tournaments.
    Futhermore, based on our players we want to hold a balanced tournament brackets.

    Back to business.
    It's really important the investiments to be compensated. This game is not just a hobby for us, but hard, demanding work.
    We don't do any guess-work and guarantee the highest quality of Support. It took a lot of hours and money to understand the top priority of approach.
    With this in mind we want create The World that suits you.
    The dynamic donation system aimed at increasing server's lifetime is . No need to say that we also realise the importance of server's economy.
    As well as the Gameplay must not be affected by donation.
    In your personal control panel you will see the flexible discount system,special offers and bonuses.
    Moreover this server will have some kind of Commission shop/salesroom which principle will be told later on.


    [spoiler=Gracia Final]

    The story of Hive Five is in your arms! but the story of Hive Five has already fallen into your arms. Let's build this World all together.
    It's only the beginning, but the story of Hive Five has already fallen into your arms. Let's build this World together.

    Server Discussion
    Make Lineage 2 Great Again!

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    geo_myria изменил репутацию Papanda в PR-event "Hype train goes to High Five!"   
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    E-Global PR-event "Hype train goes to High Five!"

    We are glad to invite you to take a part in PR-event to receive the bonuses for your comfortable start.
    Participate in our events and receive your reward!

    Task #1: Facebook
    All you need is to "Like" and comment this post -
    To complete this task you need to have at least 30 friends.
    10 winners are going to be picked from the participants that completed all tasks, by using fanpagekarma services. The results are going to be announced on 30 April during 18:00 - 19:00 (CET).
    Reward - Box with Infinity Global Rune. The winners will receive their rewards soon after they will be announced.
    [spoiler=Way of determination the winners ]
    Please note, that you can win only if you completed all tasks - like и comment!

    Task #2: Skype
    To complete this task you will need to follow few steps:

    1. Add our support manager to your contact list - e-global.support
    2. Set a status - E-Global High Five x5, Grand Opening on 28 April at 19:00 (CET). Let's make Lineage 2 great again!
    3. Set a avatar - [ link ]
    4. Send a message to your contacts:
    Hey! Have you heared about HF x5 by E-Global? See you on the Grand Opening on 28 April at 19:00 (CET). Join us, it should be just awesome! More detailed description you can find here: https://goo.gl/kszcSl
    Please note, to complete this task you need to have at least 30 contacts in your contact list.
    This task will be finished on 30 April, at 23:00 (CET).
    Reward - 1 Chocolate Cookie + 3 Vitality Maintaining Potion. The winners will receive their rewards soon after they will be announced.
    Task #3: Memories
    It's the most simple task - answer on few our questions and receive the Coupon for Accessory!

    1. What do you expect from this server?
    2. What do you think about "political" arena on this server? Which side are you going to join?
    3. What do you think regarding the fact that 3rd party software wouldn't work on our server, even pay-to-use software?
    4. Are you interested to play on Classic 1.5 server with further upgrade to 2.0+ from E-Global?
    You need to leave the answers in this thread.
    This task will be finished on 30 April, at 23:00 (CET), bonus code on Coupon for Accessory going to be sent to you via forums personal message during the day after event end.
    Bonus task: Win 1 of 4 TeamSpeak servers for 120 slots!
    You are the Leader of the Clan or Lineage 2 community and you are going to start on our High Five x5? Awesome! This task is exactly what you need!
    You can find more detailed information in special thread:
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