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О Grie

  • День рождения 12/10/1979


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Grie's Achievements

  1. Grie

    Dual Box Or Single Box

    Box limit - 2-3 during the Grand Opening, 4 in future (after load decrease)
  2. Grie

    PR-event "Hype train goes to High Five!"

    1. What do you expect from this server? fun 2. What do you think about "political" arena on this server? Which side are you going to join? know nothing about politics on this server but i wanna join MY SIDE (be independent and kill on sight every idiot i met) 3. What do you think regarding the fact that 3rd party software wouldn't work on our server, even pay-to-use software? L2 is full of grind. I you cant deal with it dont play. Banned 3rd pty soft 4. Are you interested to play on Classic 1.5 server with further upgrade to 2.0+ from E-Global? nice imagine but i appreciate C4>H5 updates. Havent too much time to be 24/7 ingame to enjoy and C4>H5 are much casual and comfortable for me.
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