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О Jormungandr

  • День рождения 12/11/1996


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Jormungandr's Achievements

  1. Jormungandr

    PR-event "Hype train goes to High Five!"

    Task #3: Memories Questions: 1. What do you expect from this server? I expect high-stability crowded server with lots of action and wars, drama, fun - that's what makes Lineage 2 be L2 at it's finest. 2. What do you think about "political" arena on this server? Which side are you going to join? Im a pretty neutral solo player that jumps in and out to different kind of parties, so i don't really concern myself with things like that, but i guess i'll join some kind of international zerk for communication with others and raids, sieges. 3. What do you think regarding the fact that 3rd party software wouldn't work on our server, even pay-to-use software? We don't need to bullsh*t anybody, every mmo has bot's and stuff like that, Lineage 2 is no exception, we can't change that, or hide it and E-Global team can't be at fault for doing the best they can to suppress the use of 3rd party software, as a part of this community i can only thank you. 4. Are you interested to play on Classic 1.5 server with further upgrade to 2.0+ from E-Global? Sounds like an interesting idea, but realistically speaking if you want income - that's not going to work, servers die, they need to die so Lineage 2 stays alive, L2 is a seasonal game, i think wipe's are an essential part of the game, and classics won't get big crowds like HF, or IL low rates, and it will die out pretty soon, but i would definitely try it, thought bringing up a topic that has no connections with current server is quite wierd on my behalf, but that is none of my business, im looking forward to the server and thank you for the accessories.
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