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О Skersinis1990

  • День рождения 06/25/1990


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Skersinis1990's Achievements

  1. Skersinis1990

    need help pin

    hello i want buy some runes and i dont know where i can find my pin code ? what is this where i can find ? where i can change ? where i can resend ? if you can tell me option
  2. Skersinis1990

    Bugg with system?

    men im not alone have this problem help fur us we cant play in server
  3. Skersinis1990

    client or patch bullsh*ts

    same problem !!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. Skersinis1990

    Bugg with system?

    but men i can't press enter :D
  5. Skersinis1990

    Bugg with system?

    Hello. i have problem when im login i make login pasword and cant press enter just with mouse . and i cant delete letters in game or enter if i whritte something . maby have info about this ?(And im not first with this problem) i make full check fast check all i make .
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