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О Lambrioza

  • День рождения 09/27/1988


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  1. Lambrioza

    How to change default interface?

    Well, iwouldnt post here if there would be no problem with it. Its bugged cus i dont see menuy icons, buffs on buff bars message windows is fckd up etc. How can i remove the default interface patch?
  2. Lambrioza

    How to change default interface?

    Let me rephrase: By "change that" i mean, remove the default patch, i dont even wanna use my own.
  3. Hi. I absolutely hate the default interface patch that we get in system. Icons dont show, message windows is fckd, etc. I have my own custom interface patch i want to use, but when i put it into the system it doesnt work. How can i change that?
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