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О Lyfial

  • День рождения 11/05/1992


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  1. Lyfial

    New player problems.

    Hello. Me and my 2 friends joined this server some time ago. While we played till lvl 80 everything was nice because of that Newbie items for 10days (weapon). But once we got A grade armor, and farmed up 50kk adena somehow, We reached a deadpoint. Our Newbie wep is almost UP, we have 50kk while weapons S grade are 150kk and much more. There is a huge jump all of a sudden. It was quite intresting to get A grade and farm for it, since it was possible. Ofc people who are 85 with guilds will find this funny, because they can farm maths and element stones worth 100kk DAILY. But what about newbies ? Most clans are russian, greek.. rarely who speaks English. And they all prefer their own land mates because they dont have to speak 5 languages on Skype/Teamspeak when its PvP time. Leaving us new players in dust, because we cannot form group to farm High zones that easily, without being PKed or forced out, we cannot do Raids, we belong no-where. How am I suposed to farm up 150kk for S grade wep only, 300kk for both armor and wepp, when most we can gather for is TOI-11 where mobs drop 7k adena per party-member. Let alone some bigger things like getting Dynasty, Icarus, Vesper.... Without a clan, that speaks English, or making some of the VERY needed classes, like SwS, BD, classes that cannot be BoXed that easily, you are simply Stuck at lvl 75-80 unable to progress, if you dont make Spoiler or smth else and go farm ALONE again for days and weeks to be able to buy simple S grade. I cant even imagine joining a clan that does Seed of Infinity, and others, Kill Tiat or what not... It would be nice to have at least S grade for event Medals or something. It will make people put reasonable price on simple S weps, and allow new players to transit to Arcana mAce when they reach lvl 76. Rather than Saving up for A grade wep.. Which makes you a lvl 80 Mage with A grade wep... who NO ONE will invite in any instance or farm zone YOUR level because you are undergeared. I know that some people make 100-200kk Daily.. which is why adding S(76) grade WIthout SA to event mannager for like.. idk, 40-50kk would be pretty reasonable thing to do. Or give some other option for solo players to progress into the game. Last time we even tried to do Catas, we were PKed by Rus and Greek parties who outnumber us greatly. or are full S twinks. Without a chance to fight back.
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