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О Pimouss

  • День рождения 12/23/1982


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Pimouss's Achievements

  1. Pimouss

    Login Server Down ?

    same probleme now on HF X5
  2. Pimouss

    Why people leave

    no surprising... just want to give my opinion...
  3. Pimouss

    Why people leave

    the worst is that he don't need it, he kill the RB in 2 minutes.... hero 80+ with his bot's... I know it's the game, but it's not fair...
  4. Pimouss

    Why people leave

    Thanks to the FS clan, they farm all RB's needed to subclass ... and don't let other who need for quest a chance to up... unfair.
  5. Pimouss

    Server lags

    working !!! Thanks !!!
  6. Pimouss

    Server lags

  7. Pimouss

    Server lags

    Actually there's a lot of lags on HF, whe can't move.
  8. Pimouss

    Cannot Login.

    Good job! thank's for all !
  9. Pimouss

    Cannot Login.

  10. Pimouss

    Cannot Login.

    Any news?
  11. Pimouss

    Cannot Login.

    Same problem here!
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