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О JeanGrey

  • День рождения 01/01/1989


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JeanGrey's Achievements

  1. Описание обновлено. После перехода на Эпилог Хелпер начнет оказывать магическую поддержку бесплатно до 75 уровня.
  2. JeanGrey

    [Evolution] Gracia Final -> Gracia Epilogue

    You can download patched client now. It is available by link in the first message in topic. The open Test-server starts 12/25/17 at 10 am GMT+2
  3. JeanGrey

    [Эволюция] Gracia Final -> Gracia Epilogue

    Пропатченный клиент можно скачать в первом сообщении. Запуск открытого теста 25 декабря в 11:00 по МСК.
  4. Dear friends! We are pleased to inform you that on December, the 27th the Gracia Final server evolves into the Gracia Epilogue! This is the most awaited moment, obviously. So, our specialists have done a great job and they gave us all the best gift for the New Year! Let's thank them for this You will be able to connect to Test server on December, the 25th. Important information: 12/25/2017 at 10 am GMT+2 we open access to the Test server. You have to try new chronicles and see some changes. We strongly recommend that you visit an open Test of the chronicles. You can help our technical specialists to exclude possible startup errors and minor bugs. 12/27/2017 at 10 am GMT+2 is the official transfer Gracia Final -> Gracia Epilogue. All details about server shutdown will be added later. Also we will announce when it starts. All players without exceptions must download all the necessary files. The game client is available from the link. Details of the chronicles of Gracia Epilogue: Goha Additional changes: We have prepared for you several changes which are aimed on improving the conditions of the game: The Epic Raid-Boss Valakas has been weakened: Its HP, Attack and Defence parameters were reduced; Reuse delay of "Valakas's Mass fear" was increased; The drop from RB Tiat was improved: Icarus weapons' drop chanse=100%, Vesper weapons' drop chance=70% , the spellbooks' drop chance was increased too. All active players of the server get a gift: Woolen souvenir - A warm cozy hat for Each player of the Gracia Final chronicles. It warms you up on cold winter evenings. A personal itemе. What are the next steps? Evolution is unstoppable! We start new advertising campaign designed to attract attention of new players. Also we organize e-mail new audience and return the old one. We organize email-notifications for old players. After server starts you will be able to take a part in new promotions. We will create comfortable gameplay for solo-players and clans. Let's play Evolution x3 Gracia Epilogue! Share it with your friends! Let everyone know about the Evolution! You can ask questions here.
  5. Дорогие друзья! С радостью сообщаем вам о том, что 27 декабря сервер Gracia Final эволюционирует на хроники Gracia Epilogue! Мы знаем, как долго вы ждали, а мы, в свою очередь, готовились к этому важнейшему событию в жизни Эволюционного сервера. Наши специалисты проделали колоссальную работу и подарили всем нам самый лучший подарок на новый год! Давайте поблагодарим их за это Уже 25 декабря вы сможете по достоинству оценить наши труды на тестовом сервере. Важная информация: 25 декабря в 11:00 (мск) мы откроем доступ на тестовый сервер для всех желающих. Вы сможете поближе познакомиться с новыми хрониками и изменениями. Мы настоятельно рекомендуем вам посетить открытый тест хроник, чтобы исключить возможные ошибки запуска и помочь нам протестировать сборку под нагрузкой. 27 декабря в 11:00 (мск) состоится официальный переход хроник Gracia Final -> Gracia Epilogue. Точная информация о времени отключения и включения сервера будет опубликована позднее. Всем без исключения необходимо подготовиться к переходу заранее и скачать все необходимые файлы. Пропатченный клиент можно скачать по ссылке. Подробная информация о хрониках Gracia Epilogue Linedia Goha Дополнительные изменения: Мы подготовили для вас несколько актуальных изменений, направленных на улучшение условий игры. Ослабили Эпического Босса Валакас. Снизили хп, деф, атаку, увеличили откат масс фира Улучшили дроп с РБ Тиата. Увеличили до 100% дроп икарус оружия, 70% веспер оружия, увеличили шанс дропа книг скиллов Всех действующих игроков сервера ждет приятный подарок: Шерстяной сувенир - Каждому игроку хроник Gracia Final полагается теплая уютная шапка. Она согреет вас холодными зимними вечерами. Персональный предмет. Наши дальнейшие действия: Мы проведем рекламную кампанию, рассчитанную на привлечение новой аудитории и возвращение старой. Организуем e-mail рассылку и акции, в которых вы сможете принять участие. Создадим еще более комфортные условия игры для соло игроков и кланов. Приходите сами и расскажите друзьям! Пусть все узнают об Эволюционном сервере на хрониках Gracia Epilogue! В этой теме можно задать интересующие вас вопросы.
  6. JeanGrey

    [Event] The awakening of Cronus

    All players have to update game-client via Autoupdater.
  7. Dear friends! We invite you to take a part in the clan-game "The awakening of Cronus". The event consists of two parts, a quest and an instance. It developed for passing in the command channel of the clan. You can gain extra EXP and get nice drop for killing the Giant. Details: The event is regular for the Evolution x3 server; Quest an Instance zone rollback is daily at 6:30 am by server time (GMT +2); Quest begins at NPC Pathfinder Worker. It's located in: Gludio town, Dion, Hein, Oren, Shuttgart, Rune Township; Quest-participants must be level 70-80 (incl.) Raid boss farmers must be 70-85 lvl. Entrance to the zone is available for the command channels from 18 to 45 members (2-5 parties). At the same time, Clan Leader must be the command channel's leader. You can enter the instance zone through the NPC Lucius, which is located in the Gludio town. Reward: Guaranteed reward: extra-EXP for completing the quest, EXP for defeating the Giant. Raid Boss drop: S-grade weapons, armors, accessoires; S80-grade weapons, armors, jewelry; Archer's Will and Fighter's Will books, S-grade enchant scrolls, armors and weapons parts, BSOR and BSOE. The party, which make the last hit can also enchant SA 11-14 levels. Event Description: On the Gracia island Ancient Giant, whose name is Cronus is awakened from ancient sleep. The Alliance of Ketzerossa encourages the Elmoreden clans to gather all their strengths, to unite into groups and go to war with the ancient evil! Quest begins at NPC Pathfinder Worker. It is located in: Gludio town, Dion, Hein, Oren, Shuttgart, Rune Township. After taking the quest, go to NPC Lucius, which you can find in Gludio town. About the Quest: Instance zone and Raid Boss is available for players only 70-80 lvl, consisting of a team channel of 18-45 members. You can farm RB without taking Quest. The entry is made by Clan Leader (at the same time command channel's leader), the players must be situated within a small radius of the NPC. After entering, players enter a zone, which is protected from aggression of RB, there you can reorganize groups if it is necessary and to make rebuff, and then start to farm RB. After receiving significant damage Cronus uses a force field, protecting Cronus from any kind of damage. To destroy the field, two groups of players must go through the opened portals and destroy the Generators. You have to find the real generators among the fakes. When the force field of RB is weaken, you can continue the fight. After the Giant's death, the Reward drops to the ground as usual. You can leave the zone through the opened portal.
  8. The first post has been updated. Everyday quest "Stop the Ancient Giant" was added. This update will be installed on server by close-in restart.
  9. JeanGrey

    [Auto Event] Dark Invasion!

    Event starts this Friday. All players have to update game-client via Autoupdater.
  10. JeanGrey

    [Auto Event] Dark Invasion!

    Dear friends! The time forecasted by our fathers has come — it will be a great challenge both for the whole world and for each character separately. It is the last step on the way of gaining liberty or the final defeating which will mark the return of slave shackles and darkness hour of the gods. They are coming back and sending their dark servants by using a power of the ancient portals, thereby reminding the world about a past tyranny of powerful beings. And only you, Knights of Elmoreden, are able to give up on your differences and eliminate the evil from the portals and repel the invasion, prevent the destroying of such a beautiful and living world by the dark forces. The invasion of the dark forces promises a great danger, but this risk is associated with the greatest reward. Our agents have found out that the messengers of the Ancient Gods can release huge reserves of energy during their death. This energy gifts to surrounding warriors different abilities for a long period of time. Dark invasion is regular auto-event. During this event players have to fight monsters and raid bosses who came through dark portals in order to capture Elmoreden's world. Details: Event runs everyday on Evolution server. The invasions are divided by levels and begin on a schedule. Only 55-80 level players can participate. Begins at (GMT +2): 8:00 pm 55-65 lvl, 9:00 pm 60-70 lvl, 10:00 pm 65-75 lvl, 11:00 pm 70-80 lvl. You can find Information about the portal's spawn place and the recommended levels of players in announcements chat window 10 minutes before the event. Duration of battle VS monsters: 20 mins. Time for killing Raid Boss: 20 mins. Reward: Guaranteed: EXP, Vitality effects. Drop from monsters: LS low and mid grade, Ivory coin. Drop from Raid Boss: High and TOP grade LS, B- and A-grade weapons and armors, enchant scrolls. Event plot: 10 minutes before the event informations about portal's spawn appears in Announce-chat. Players suitable levels have to gather at place and prepare for the battle. Monsters start to appear several minutes after portal opening. This invasion lasts 20 mins. Raid Boss appears after 20 mins. All players have 20 mins to kill Raid Boss. If players fail to kill Raid Boss during 20 mins then portal disappears, there's no reward. Players gain a lot of EXP and items by killing monsters. The main reaward is given after defeating Raid Boss.
  11. Описание магазина обновлено. Добавлен новый раздел Family Boxes. Снижены цены на руны опыта 1-79, добавлены руны опыта 1-85.
  12. Первый пост обновлен. Изменения вступят в силу после утреннего рестарта.
  13. Dear friends! The action "Hot autumn" starts on the Evolution x3 server! 10 days of fast comfortable exping and farming on increased rates are waiting for you! Details: Dates: November 17th - 28th The action will begin after the restart on November. the 17th and will end on the morning restart on November, the 28th Rates are summed up with runes, vitality potions and Premium Account During the promotion the next increased rates are available for you: exp / sp: + 50% Adena: + 30% Drop of sealstones: + 50% Chance of drop: + 30% Chance of spoils: + 30% The chance of drop Knight's Epaulette and Attribute Stone: + 50% Attention! Action doesn't apply for the rates of the Raid Bosses and the quests! We have also improved the work of "Newbie Help" for your comfortable gameplay: New skills have been Added to the Newbie Helper menu and usual effects have been replaced on combo effects AllNewbie Helper effects are available to players from 1 lvl Newbie Help for Characters 1-61 lvl is absolutely free Please be sure to update your game files via updater for correct display of effects Details Let this information help you to spend time with maximum benefit: List of items from NPC Butler and Elis on the Evolution x3 server (the assortment was updated on October 27, 2017) [.achiv] Unique system of achievements (new achievements added, 11/14/2017) [Pathfinder Worker] List of items for Ivory Coin (product range updated 11/11/2017) [Pathfinder Worker] Personal Daily Quests Family Coins - replenishment, bonuses and discounts [Evolution] Cyclic Macros [Newbie Help] List of skills and prices Also, during the Hot Autumn soon will come the Black Friday on November, 24! Follow the news, announcements and you'll find a lot of useful information!
  14. Первый пост обновлен. Добавлен новый тип ачивок - Olympiad achievments. Подробнее в 1 сообщении темы.
  15. Дорогие друзья! Мы обновили магазин товаров за Ivory Coin, добавили новые позиции и снизили цены на уже существующие. В этой теме вы можете ознакомиться с новым ассортиментом. Ivory Coin - это специальная валюта сервера. Ее можно получить за выполнение ежедневных заданий и участие в автоматическом ивенте TvT. Обмен монет производится у NPC Pathfinder Worker. В магазине у Pathfinder Worker вам доступны: Предметы для ускорения прокачки Box with Rune of Experience Points 30% 5-hour limited period - 450 Ivory Coins Box with Rune of Experience Points 50% 5-hour limited period - 750 Ivory Coins Lucky Four-leaf Clover (for 1-61 Levels) - 90 Ivory Coins Lucky Four-leaf Clover (for 1-78 Levels) - 270 Ivory Coins Оружие на любой вкус Оружие является персональным, временным и не имеет СА. Top B-grade (5-hour limited period) - 80 Ivory Coins Top A-grade (5-hour limited period) - 150 Ivory Coins Полезные расходные материалы Offline trade Scroll - 15 Ivory Coins Dimensional Diamond - 1 Ivory Coin Spirit / Soul Ores / Energy Stones (x100) - 5 Ivory Coins Battle / Magic Symbol / Summoning Crystal / Einhasad's Holy Water - 10 Ivory Coins Charm of Courage: S grade - 30 Ivory Coins Elixir of CP: S grade - 3 Ivory Coins Food for Pets (x10) - 2-4 Ivory Coins Beast Soulshot / Blessed Beast Spiritshot (x1000) - 7 Ivory Coins Scroll: Recovery (Grade C/B/A/S) - 4/6/8/10 Ivory Coins Scrolls of Escape / Resurrection - 1 Ivory Coin Scroll of Escape: Clan Hall / Castle - 2 Ivory Coin Instant Haste Potion - 2 Ivory Coins Full Bottle of Souls - 1 Ivory Coin Capture Rope - 12 Ivory Coins Ballista Bomb - 10 Ivory Coins Strategy Guide - 25 Ivory Coins
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