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О PlanetaBOB

  • День рождения 02/19/1991

PlanetaBOB's Achievements

  1. PlanetaBOB

    PR-event [Task №5: Ask]

    1. An awesome L2 experience. It's been a while since I played a massive low rate server and this one seems very promising. Hope we see tons of massive PVE, PVP even in low levels :D :omg2: 2. NVKplanetabob 3. I do not intend to leave :megusta: 4. A facebook group of L2 different servers :yesno:
  2. PlanetaBOB

    [International] Warband

    HI! I'm looking for a nice group of players to play the GF x 3 server coming up :) Do you think we could talk about it??:megusta:
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