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О xtapoditom

  • День рождения 12/15/1991


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xtapoditom's Achievements

  1. xtapoditom

    [Interlude Final x7] Task №1: "Check-in"

    1. interlude is cool no attribiut +++ stupid things :< i think it is the most balanced pvp client 2. tekken 3. discord friends 4. my cp broke and alone i got bored fast
  2. xtapoditom

    gracia database?

    WOW realy ? :/ i did fast check XD damn it thanks man
  3. xtapoditom

    OMFG Greek Clan!

    re pedes kana drop/spoil patch exete pou na litourgi ? gt 2 p exw egw litourgoune ala de fenonte ta buff mou meta :/
  4. xtapoditom

    gracia database?

    :/ there used to be l2eorgamer smth like that and it was so good but it closed :/ i hope drop/spoil patch arent banable ...
  5. xtapoditom

    OMFG Greek Clan!

    kali fasi . 8a se kano wishp otan aniksi o server
  6. xtapoditom

    gracia database?

    any one know any l2 gracia final database ? couse pm fun is kinda crapy and l2database dont work anymore and on google it show me hi5 databases all the time or russian/spanish sites if any one knows any good database english site. no pmfun it will be very helpfull quests/drops/spoils etc
  7. xtapoditom

    donation via paysafe ?

    its ok last resot ill steal my friends credit card muahahaha :P
  8. xtapoditom

    donation via paysafe ?

    cool thanks for info ill need the pa at 60+ anyway i can w8 :)
  9. donate via paysafe option doesnt exist. its bugged or you disabled it ? couse i rememper there was the option to donate via paysafe in the past if im not mistaken.. and no way im gonna get my car and drive 1h to the city to add 20euro to the bank to make a donate
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