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О SuziQ

  • День рождения 05/16/1990


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  1. SuziQ

    Destro AOE boost

    https://mw2.global/wiki/petitions/462 Please translate this petition to russian, becouse 80% community is RU, google translator cant do it right. AND VOTE!
  2. SuziQ

    Destro AOE boost

    Yea, farming shilenelder with sword using fatal strike is pretty possible too) IMHO its time to make destro like on classic servers, make it 2h sword user not 10 wepaons retard. Leave polearm for Warlord, blunt for dwarves, its not c4 or interlude anymore. But on this edition of MW at least add earthquake on first stage, it will make destro usefull. Wating 2 months + for 3rd stage to play char is ... joke.
  3. SuziQ

    Destro AOE boost

    Ofc, i am not saying that all my suggestions are great, but earthquake was rly good on other reworked server, it will not break the game. Especialy that WL get milion skills, glad get dual blunts. I will take anything! even FS 4+ targets with bigger range becouse now you can have 3 mobs in one place and still hit only 1 target, it should work with bigger angle or bigger range. Even changing wrath to dmg skill will be great.
  4. Petition link: https://mw2.global/wiki/petitions/462 Destro on first and second stage are quite trash on mass pvp and pve. On pve single target its quite good (if you will catch the mob), but on AOE farm is trash compering to other classes. 1. Glad/tyr are super good AOE farmers becouse of 2 skills + they have range aoe skill. Warlord is warlord). Now even dagger can farm better then destro. Every aoe farm is based on skills on masterwork severs, somethink like oldschool training and zeal/fr its totaly pointless becouse its just too slow. I don'e mention about needed 3 weapons, sword = autoattack, blunt = skills, lance = aoe . Yes there is a Full swing toogle but its + 2 target and very low range and only in front so its not aoe at all. My suggestions: 1. Add earthquake on lower lvls 55+ or even 60. 2. Make earthquake usable with 2h sword/blunt. 3. Make Whirlwind usable with 2h sword/blunt. 4. Delete wrath (totaly useless skill) and add earthquake. 5. Add full swing skill (aoe around the char) from classic chronicles 6. Just do somethink to make it playable :| This will boost destro on mass aoe farm + aoe pvp (will be usable finaly) and it will eliminate 3rd weapon - polearm, its not interlude anymore, no fog trains :)
  5. SuziQ

    PL CP

    to close.
  6. SuziQ

    MasterWork II: Умения и Механики

    Well, @fabuLousyou said that kamaels will be much earlier, and now is said that kamaels will be after new year hollidays so allmost 2 moths just like on Masterwork 1 :|
  7. SuziQ


    I hope they won't fvck up like l2 valhalla did 😐
  8. SuziQ


    Well fabulous said that the kamaels will be available much sooner than on the previous edition. @Loradedo you confirm? 😏
  9. SuziQ

    MasterWork II - 12 Ноября 2021

    Like i said.. first stage and entire server is not even close of interlude style... core of skills on interlude are changed example skills have static reuse time not based on cast speed/atack speed = totaly different feeling of game, besides you have skill from 3rd class like focus death critical wound, archers/mage/fighters will even wariors have rush on 40+, have you seen it on interlude? 😛 So if you want interlude you have to play on clear IL client, you cant fell it on remaster. Every chronicle after IL made L2 different game. IMHO they should make kamael stage max 2 weeks after opening the server.
  10. SuziQ

    MasterWork II - 12 Ноября 2021

    This server have nothink to do with interlude. Skill base is from H5, client is kind of classic one, plenty skills from gracia/freya/h5 added on 40+ even from 3rd class on the first stage... Interlude is just in name. So adding kamael from the start is nothink wrong. Making new character two months after live is sux, ofc exping, items etc is not a problem becouse with academy + exp boosts you will do it fast. My point is to have fun from the begining on the character which you like. Maby inspector could be rly OP but rest of kamaels need just little adjusting. @fabuLous you should definetaly consider it. I am sure that a lot of players will agree with me. Cheers!
  11. SuziQ

    MasterWork II - 12 Ноября 2021

    What about kamaels? again 2 months after server start? its ridicilous. You should consider adding kamaels much earlier, preferably from the start. Make some changes / nerfs / boosts to kamaels but make it earlier.
  12. SuziQ

    Бимба СБ

    What about Lighting Shock / Lighting Barier and rest of 3rd class skills on SoulHound? Will you allow to use it before 3rd class? like on other chars example empowering echo on SH, BoE on EE? Or We need to make 83 lvl to use lighting shock ?
  13. SuziQ

    [Interlude Final x7] Task №1: "Check-in"

    1. Best of the all chronicles -> The Balance ! 2. UFOludek 3. MaxCheaters 4. No time.. unfortunetaly ..
  14. SuziQ

    WTT AS Holy + adena for AS other att

    WTT Angel Slayer 150 Holy + adena for AS 150 other Att
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