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О Takuto

  • День рождения 06/05/1991


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Takuto's Achievements

  1. Takuto

    Arcadia LF Melee/Archer CP

    Hello everybody We, Arcadia, are looking for some melee/archer constant parties to join our clan. We consist of a group of oldschool players who decided to make a Mage pack on this server. We have been observing the clan policies around us and none of them seem to get our interest so we decided to expand our CP only clan. What are our goals? We want to enjoy the end-game content without 24/7 no-life 50+ drivers CP rules What do we provide A level 7 clan Clanhall in Aden Actively capturing fortresses, will fight for a castle with the proper amount of people Activity mainly in the evening (19h-20h -> 00h - 01h) How to contact us Pm Takuto, Ellion, PAW
  2. Takuto

    PR-event [Task №5: Ask]

    Questions for those who already played on L2E-Global: What are your best memories of L2E-Global? On the last GF server I enjoyed pvp'ing in Hellbound together with Loggan his CP from Nova [*]What is your game account (login)? CEOElysiaOL [*]How long has it been since your very first L2E-Global experience? About a year [*]When did you hear about L2E-Global for the very first time? Through L2 buddies on Facebook about a year and half ago
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