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О barbarelis

  • День рождения 12/31/1990


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barbarelis's Achievements

  1. barbarelis

    Scary-merry Halloween!

    hi i did not understand the last thing with the npc witch !! explain plz what i have to do....
  2. barbarelis

    Hi i got a problem

    i find the solution. i had made a mistake with the files thnx anyway !!!!
  3. barbarelis

    Hi i got a problem

    btw i got windows 10
  4. barbarelis

    Hi i got a problem

    hi i got a problem i just bought a new laptop an i install the game.... and the system.... and now i m trying to get in....and a message came up and sais the memory 00000000..... (i dont remeber the hole numbers) cant be read. and it has the ok button...and i preess it and the game close plz help me i need to play
  5. barbarelis


    i know that they have a lot of experience.. but maybe is not their fold maybe the fold are from the machines... i dont know but now its fine... until now actually
  6. barbarelis


    they try to fix this i think so
  7. barbarelis


    oomg dont do like you havent play.......again l2.... they gonna fixe it .... i suppose
  8. barbarelis


    ok just let the admins do their job we gonna play again ( i hope so )
  9. barbarelis


    i dont know today i did check files and started that...... yesterday i was cool
  10. barbarelis


    OMG 2 criticals in 1 minute.... admins do something
  11. barbarelis


    omg fix the disconects and the critical errors that we have all the time.... people want to leave and the reason is this.... you cnt be in laba and you disconect.....
  12. barbarelis

    PIck up

    i hope you gonna put and this because its too boring..... and you have to pick them up once by once cause sometimes herbs are taking place of buffs and then you losw your buff when they are finished....
  13. barbarelis

    PIck up

    HELLO!!! can you make plz a update an put auto pick up for drops ????? come on is boring to pick up every time ..... the drops
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