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О zKempa

  • День рождения 04/24/1994

zKempa's Achievements

  1. zKempa

    Drop Adena. Drop Nromal

    Apparently I'm not the only one who is seeing certain changes. I do not want to continue playing: D everything points to the donation this server, like to buy in veys, or other page.
  2. zKempa

    Drop Adena. Drop Nromal

    I am very grateful for the rapids with which you responded. I understand falling objects, must be just my bad luck: D I'll pawn myself even more in the adena, I noticed that in the valley of santo and cruma (spot porta) no longer collected the adena that always collected, as I said that collected 2 / 3k per hour. each mafia strips 8 / 9k of normal adena, and sometimes strips 15 / 20k only sometimes, before the premium distinction is frequent I do not know if I explain myself correctly
  3. zKempa

    Drop Adena. Drop Nromal

    Estoy muy agradecido por los rápidos con los que usted respondió. Entiendo la caída de objetos, debe ser sólo mi mala suerte: D Voy a empeñar a mí mismo aún más en el adena, me di cuenta de que en el valle de santo y cruma (spot porta) ya no recogía la adena que siempre recogía, como dije que recogía 2 / 3k por hora. cada mafia tiras 8 / 9k de adena normal, ya veces tiras 15 / 20k sólo a veces, antes de que fuera frecuente la distinción premium No sé si me explico correctamente
  4. zKempa


    As we already know, several players use BOT, can create a special section for these cases so denounce it? and that the staff give the necessary punishment? Why is it illegal to use BOT?
  5. zKempa

    Drop Adena. Drop Nromal

    1.-I have come to present my doubt, they have changed the% of fall of objects and adena? because I have premium account and for 1 week I no longer collect the adena I always collected. before he used to get 2 / 3kk per hour. now with luck I get to join 800k. 2.- There is a certain object "rec: sealed guantles dark crystal" that exactly 8 days ago I look for it by drop and it does not fall. it does not happen to me if not to several companions. * Have they touched the drop?
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