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О hiruko9

  • День рождения 10/31/1993

hiruko9's Achievements

  1. hiruko9

    [INT / GR] RiseOfNoobs Recruiting

    Casual / Semi-hardcore clan RiseOfNoobs currently recruiting Few words about us: Our clan formed by 2 friends with considerable amount of experience in L2 Low-Rate serves (since C3). As they joined GF Evolution, people started gather around them and thus a small CP was formed. We didn't like the idea of CP so we decided to take a bigger step and thats the birth of RoN clan. Clan Info: LVL 5 CH (Gludin) Discord channel (is a must if you wanna join!) Daily activity (MON-FRI) around 18:00 - 2:00 GMT+2 (Weekends are special since most of us works Mon to Fri, so we play more freely during weekends) Recruit Info: Although RoN is a greek based clan we have international members so basic eng communication skills is a must (its ok if u are not good at it, just to be able to communicate efficiently). We mostly focus on EXP PTs, Daily KAMA & RBs right now. Priority Recruits: Fighter DDs Active WK (warlock) Active Healer Active BD Active OL Most of us are around 60 Lv so this level range is the most preferable. Every other class is welcomed to apply as well (Our clan recruits academy members as well). Since we don't wanna recruit every single random player who just wanna join a clan for its crest, in order to apply for invite u can do either of those: PM or Mail in-game to Ali3n (Leader), Avintia (Sub-leader) & Hirako36 to get our discord channel and arrange a small meeting. You can message me to this forum account (just send me your char name and around which time u will be on so one of these 3 chars mentioned above to get in touch with you). Academy recruits can just pm in-game and u will get your invitation. Additional info: First of all our main target is to have fun! There is no room for toxic and hectic people in this clan. Mature community. Fun people to play with (sometimes funnier than it should be).
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