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О danex1509

  • День рождения 09/15/1993


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  1. danex1509

    [Discussion Thread] State of the Game

    Is his name YPERPANTODYNAMOS? true idiot if possitive.
  2. danex1509

    [Discussion Thread] State of the Game

    My total amount of dollars spent in this server = zero.
  3. danex1509

    Admins and GM

    My total amount of dollars spent in this server = zero.
  4. You should consider having a truly problem in front of your nouses My three characters on the picture, and I don't play using BOTS!!
  5. Unacceptable for melee range circumstances I beg for a quick action on this Regards
  6. I had to wait till first 60 minutes end, then repeat the pailaka. The fault's on you.
  7. Hello Inspector Adler never spawned after killing 4 mini-bosses and final boss Adiantum My dwarf "Seeker" in the picture I didn't get either EXP/SP or both jewels I beg for a quick action on this Regards
  8. Exactly, the curretn disabled auto-loot
  9. Unsealed foundation Imperial Crusader Shield is not increasing the passive M.def it says it gives. Same M.def stat equipping it as taking it off
  10. danex1509

    New Interlude Final X7 - April 20, 2018!

    Actually, this evolution has the best attack stat of all wolf's evolutions except fenrir. It is just variety dude. Launch this server! I've tested about 75% of this beta, and I'm satisfied with the geo-data and the performance of the system, I just hope auto-pick up get set up.
  11. Will the current disabled auto-pick up stay on the server??
  12. Will ".exp" command be added? I'm typing it but nothing happens
  13. Yes, I did once before my very fisrt log in, just after extracting files from the compressed. Now I did it again just in case
  14. Lv 40 Leto Chief Talkin Raid Boss has not attacking animation. It is actualy doing damage but it looks freezed
  15. Orfen's malfunction Another issue, Orfen got totally missing after my friend and I lowered the 1st half of its HP at 02:00 AM GMT-4... we quickly ran to the spide and took this picture with Orfen missing. 2nd half of HP disappeared Please take a look into it
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