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О taramas

  • День рождения 08/01/1980

taramas's Achievements

  1. taramas

    Donations bonuses

    we will see.10/4 beta starts so we have ten days to find out
  2. taramas

    Donations bonuses

    Yeah i agree not having beta so close to grand opening is a big mistake.The server will have some custom features, and we will have only few days to try them? I smell fail bugged situation!!
  3. when will beta be opened?Only two weeks remain.You must open it now so we can test the server and not few days before the start.
  4. suggestion: Since you are all in for some custom changes(aka interlude final)why you dont change the garden of eva mobs so there are not lvl 40-50.But instead there are 85+ with x10 hp,so they drop s80 rec-key mats(rec from the boss probably).With that small custom you add longevity to the server cause usually all the top players once they hit s-grade they think about the next server.Gardens of eva dungeon has only few mobs so only 2-3 parties can exp there and also there will be plenty of pvp for the few spots and for the daily boss to kill them for the s80 recs.Think about it.Its a simply modification.
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