We are currently playing as a CP(7 active 1 box) and so far we are 72-74 levels. We each got like 20-30kk adena and "MOST OF IT FROM DAILY COIN SCROLL SELLING". We farm TOI, LOA kariks, Catas etc and almost 0 full drop and adena drop is also very low for party farm. I see people sell S grades and A grade armors for 400kk and 150kk+. I dont see us getting these amount of adena anytime soon(at least before server die.). What should we do? How people make adena with CP? What is it we are doing wrong? Where do adena come from after 76?
I see people with ++ S grade weapons with SA and full A grade armor and elemented etc. How the fuck it is possible to do all these in that short time while we get just 20-30kk until 74?