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О koc

  • День рождения 04/03/1992

koc's Achievements

  1. koc

    How to make adena? What is it we are doing wrong?

    Solo farming until 76 and maybe even after 76 gives a lot more adena but we kinda wanted to play together and that also cut the adena we should have received..
  2. koc

    How to make adena? What is it we are doing wrong?

    I understand that already but seeing people with full S grades and +10++ equipments at the same time makes me ask "HOW?". Its just 2 weeks yeah but some people have already reached end game gear.
  3. koc

    How to make adena? What is it we are doing wrong?

    Well then obviously low rate is not our thing. Its only good for big clans, rest will suffer or put real money to have actual fun before server dies.
  4. koc

    How to make adena? What is it we are doing wrong?

    Mobs around level 74 drop like 15-20k adena and I checked the mobs 76++ dropping 25-35k. Its not big difference and I dont know what is gonna change after 78? What will get us the adena or drop BOOST after 78? We are talking about most of people in these "top or bought clans" with at least 1 - 2 BILLION adena worth networth on them(items gears adena total worth).
  5. We are currently playing as a CP(7 active 1 box) and so far we are 72-74 levels. We each got like 20-30kk adena and "MOST OF IT FROM DAILY COIN SCROLL SELLING". We farm TOI, LOA kariks, Catas etc and almost 0 full drop and adena drop is also very low for party farm. I see people sell S grades and A grade armors for 400kk and 150kk+. I dont see us getting these amount of adena anytime soon(at least before server die.). What should we do? How people make adena with CP? What is it we are doing wrong? Where do adena come from after 76? I see people with ++ S grade weapons with SA and full A grade armor and elemented etc. How the fuck it is possible to do all these in that short time while we get just 20-30kk until 74?
  6. Hello, lets says Im level 85 and using Curse gloom +0(Level 74 skill) to other level 85 player. Is it gonna land with same rate or lower? We need to enchant skills to +15-20 to get them landed because they dont get new levels after 76? How does it work here?
  7. koc

    Ant Queen question

    When AQ has 1 hour to spawn, announce says we can talk to NPC in gludio or gludin temple for personal reward. That means even if I dont go to AQ I can get reward when AQ is dead?
  8. koc

    New Interlude Final X7 - April 20, 2018!

    The client will support Cyrillic language or only latin alphabet? Im asking this coz I have seen many servers fail in some months because people dont want to play in a server that is full of russian letters in pt rooms/trade chats/ private shops etc...
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