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О taaqin

  • День рождения 04/24/1986

taaqin's Achievements

  1. taaqin

    Starter Packages and equipment on Interlude Rework

    Where can we find prices for this?
  2. taaqin


    When new client will be avaible for download? I belive i saw on your promo site date of new client release and that was 20 March.
  3. taaqin


    Thanks for reply TheDominator. And for clarification :). Do u know maybe smth about international community? I saw mostly russian language in recruitment section. And ur english isnt worst then my so u dont need to apologize, srsly :D
  4. taaqin


    Hello ppl. Can u confirm OBT start at 22 march? And whats about old IL Final server here? It is still online? I cant download client from site.
  5. taaqin

    Interlude x7 - April 5!

    When we can read more about this server? Or is this somewhere on forum and i didn't find it? I mean full rates, donate info, dualboxing info, quest setup, etc.
  6. taaqin

    [Interlude Final x7] Task №1: "Check-in"

    1. Most of my friends/clanies plays on that Chronicle, and iI was start playing Lineage 2 from this Chronicle 2. vvvashzealot7 3. newsletter(i was playing on last edition of Yours server), clanies 4. big clans rush from start, and later they cry for no competition, population of server drop day by day, etc.
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