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О PibitO

  • День рождения 04/12/2004

PibitO's Achievements

  1. hola, queria saber si en la pagina del server van a publicar streams de personas jugando Valhalla. mi idea o sugerencia es si pueden poner mi stream en su pagina web a si me ayudarian a mi a conseguir viewers y yo ayudaria a ustedes con publicidad en twitch, ademas mi stream es todo en "español" entonces la gente latina que va a entrar al server tiene a alguien para ver ya que en todos los servers solo hay streams en ruso o ingles y por ejemplo yo y mis amigos o mi clan nunca nos entusiasmamos viendo a nadie. muchas gracias, espero respuesta de algun gm saludos Hi, I wanted to know if on the server's page you are going to publish streams of people playing Valhalla. my idea or suggestion is if you can put my stream on your web page if they would help me to get viewers and I would help you with twitch advertising, besides my stream is all in "spanish" then the latin people that are going to enter the server has someone to watch since in all servers there are only streams in Russian or English and for example me and my friends or my clan never get excited seeing anyone. thank you very much, I hope response from some gm greetings
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